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  • Writer's pictureSOUL Keeper


When we say we bring the "I am" and then a energy Word Connected with that! word to us. This con be really valuable when it comes to invoking angels. By saying "I am then the angel's name, we bring their whole essence to us.

The other thing we can do is incorporate an archangel's name and energy into an affirmation to bring that extra boost of angelic help.

Here are some archangel affirmations to try:

"I am Ariel" brings us strength and courage and connects us to animals.

"I am Azrael" creates a supportive, comforting light around us as we go through a dramatic change or transition

"I am Chamuel" help us to love.

"I am Gabriel" supports us in speaking our truth with integrity.

" I am Haniel" allows us to acknowledge our gifts with grace.

"I am Jeremiel" encourages us to tap into the miracle mindset as we evaluate our life.

"I am Jeremiel" encourages us to tap into the miracle mindset as we evaluate our life and resolve anything that needs to be healed.

"I am Jophiel" shifts our energy to a space where we can see our own beauty and that of the world around us.

"I am Metatron" raises our vibration so we can hear heaven's guidance clearly.

"I am Michael" installs the protection of Archangel Michael in our aura.

"I am Orion" helps us to connect to the cosmos for insight and clarity.

" I am Raguel" helps us create a harmonious and friendly energy to heal any conflict around us

"I am Raphael" brings the healing rays am God into our aura

"I am Raziel" helps us understand spiritual and esoteric information.

"I am Sandalphon" connects us to the divine wisdom that flows through us.

"I am Uriel" connects our mind to God's light, enabling us to find the answers we seek.

"I am Zadkiel" shows us the right thing to do!


"I speak my truth with ease knowing Archangel Gabriel's strength is with me".

"I am safe and protected by the light of Archangel Michael"

"My body is whole and healed in the light of Archangel Raphael"

"I am inspired abd directed by the light of Archangel Uriel".



Prayer can be incorporated into every experience of our life. We can pray to give thanks for our food, for the birth of a child or to encourage healing to take place in our body. No matter what our reason for praying, it's always useful because we welcome in the higher powers, open ourselves up, and prepare for divine order to balance our situation.

Below you will find a selection of prayers that have been categorized so that can have easy access to those that will support you whenever you need them.

In this post I have listed prayers to enhance your daily routine. In the next couple of posts every other issue, or something close to it, is listed hiving you inspiration and encouraging you to harness heaven's help.


Here are five short prayers to your guardian angels:

"Thank you, angels, for surrounding me in your light. I surrender my day to you, knowing only good lies before me!"

"Divine angels, I let go and allow your wings to take me forward today. Thank you!"

"Angels surround my day in their light. I know I am loved and protected!"

"Thank you, angels, for protecting me today. It's good to know you are there"

"Thank you, angels, for reminding me of your presence!"



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