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  • Writer's pictureSOUL Keeper


Updated: 3 days ago


Archangel Metatron's name could possibly come from the Hebrew Meta thronon, " the throne next to the divine". This would automatically connect this archangel to the choir of Thrones in the angelic hierarchy.

Metatron is a special angel because he once walked the Earth as a human. He was known as Enoch and was a prophet and scribe who gained so much knowledge of the divine that when he came to pass away, he ascended to archangel status.

Metatron is a beautiful young angel. He's one of the tallest angels I've ever seen, but will also come in at an approachable height. He has light brown hair, bronze skin, deep indigo eyes and a really chiselled chin - think a darker-skinned Robert Pattinson from the Twilight movies. He wears magenta robes.

Metatron has a lot to do with our planet's changes and transitions. At the moment, he's helping us harness the new energies that are being offered to us by the universe. I call him 'the angel who connects heaven to Earth'. With his human experience and angelic knowledge, no one could do it better. One of the things I feel when I work with Metatron is that he helps me connect to Earth and heaven at the same time. It's as if us how to walk our talk! he's showing


As an ascended master, Metatron shows the way for the new kids on the block, the Earth angels, the future leaders and warrior spirits who are going to lead us to harmony. They are known as indigo, crystal and rainbow children - they're the future prophets, psychics and healers who are already here teaching and sharing their love.


A huge influx of indigos arrived from the late 1980s to the late 1990s, although some did come much earlier. I call these amazing souls indigo 'warriors' rather than 'children', because most of them are adults now. They are natural-born psychics with fiery and rebellious spirits. I've been told many times that I'm one of them!

Many of these souls chose families that needed to be reminded what love was, so they came to broken homes, to low and lost parents, or were adopted. They are highly sensitive, hyperactive beings who can go from cool and collected to destructive at the flick of a switch. Many of them have been labelled with ADD, ADHD, autism or OCD. If they can remember their divine origins, however, they can become powerful psychics, leaders and peace entrepreneurs.

They can spot liars in an instant, and although they might be hot-headed, generally they have every reason to be! One of the greatest things about the indigo generation is that y has a passion for truth and integrity. Indigos will share th with you.

Sadly, many indigos have lost their way in life, but Meters can help get them back on track. If you know someone wis indigo qualities, send him to them now.


Crystal and rainbow children are souls who seem older tra their years or who have been here before. They are born with bright, passionate eyes and are so loving, kind-hearted and generous. They have natural compassion and will forgive exley Generally they are born into safe environments and familie because they need to concentrate on reaching out and touching as many people as possible. They can see people's auras and wil do their best to heal their pain.

have met some of these souls and just can't contain my emotions when I connect with them. Their hearts emanate a divine love that is very similar to that of the angels and ascended masters.

These kids are very sensitive, and many of them have been bullied at school, but they won't lose their temper, they'll just show love to the bullies. They'll forgive them and will seize every available opportunity to teach love.

Many of these kids will find themselves being drawn to religion and spirituality. Some of those I've met have loved going to church, singing hymns and saying their prayers. It's as if they have met some of these souls and just can't contain my emotions when I connect with them. Their hearts emanate a divine love that is very similar to that of the angels and ascended masters.

These kids are very sensitive, and many of them have been bullied at school, but they won't lose their temper, they'll just show love to the bullies. They'll forgive them and will seize every available opportunity to teach love.

Many of these kids will find themselves being drawn to religion and spirituality. Some of those I've met have loved going to church, singing hymns and saying their prayers. It's as if they're incarnated buddhas. They have such deep inner peace, and they want to show love and compassion for all life so don't be Surprised if you see them becoming vegetarian! Metatron can help these kids on their soul missions. If you Know kids like this, introduce them to this angel.

Here's a prayer to support all the new kids on the block:

"Metatron, Throne next to the divine,

Thank you for wrapping your crystalline energy around [name of soul] and for guiding them. I'm so grateful that they are fulfilled, have a sense of purpose and remember who

they truly are.

We allow you in to show them how to shine their amazing light and discover their true leadership qualities!

And so it is!"


Indigo warriors embody the energy of the indigo ray, which shines on our planet from the universe. We can connect with this energy in order to understand the indigos or even take on some of their super-sensory qualities.

The indigo ray is protected by Metatron and the indigo angels, who will respond to our request to connect. We can also visualize ourselves being immersed in an indigo light. This will enable us to awaken our inner psychic abilities and strengthen our assertiveness.


The crystalline ray is a step up from the indigo. It goes beyond the psychic and presents us with an inner knowingness. We can work with it, but to do so we have to practise forgiveness. With the crystalline ray comes compassion through every cell of our body and helps wherever we go. To clairvoyants and seers, our energy will look similar to the reflection of a sun-catcher sitting in a window. Although Metatron's aura has close connections to deep magenta and indigo, he carries the crystalline ray, too. it washes us radiate light


Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning "wheel" and is used to describe a spiritual energy point on the body. There are seven main chakras running in a rainbow spectrum from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Each has both physical and non-physical connections:

• The root chakra, Muladhara, 'root support', is found at the base of the spine. It is red and is linked to our foundations, such as our home, family, finances and comfort zone.

• The sacral chakra, Svadisthana, 'one's own place', is found just below the navel. It is orange and is linked to our reproductive system and sexual organs.

• The solar plexus chakra, Manipura, 'place of jewels, is found in the stomach area. It is yellow and is linked to our willpower, drive and energy.

• The heart chakra, Anahata, 'unstruck, is found in the heart centre. It is green and is linked to our ability to love, share and practise altruism.

• The throat chakra, Vishuddha, 'pure place', is found in the throat area. It is blue and is linked to our communication skills and ability to speak with integrity.

• The third-eye chakra, Ajna, 'command', found between the brows. It is indigo, and is linked to our perception and governs our ability to see clairvoyantly.

• The crown chakra, Sahasrara, 'lotus of 1,000 petals', is found at the top of the head. It is violet and linked to our spiritual connections and beliefs.

Chakras can have excessive energy or lack it completely. You can call on the angels to regulate them. Metatron and Raphael, in particular, will help bring them into balance.


There is also a soul star chakra located six inches above our crown. This is our connection to divine guidance. When we connect to this six-pointed geometric shape, we align our chakras with the crystalline and indigo rays so that we have the ability to lead and be assertive but also have compassion and love for others. When we really align with this star, through meditation and prayer, we bring about great shifts in our body mind-spirit connection. Call on Metatron to support you in aligning with your soul star chakra and connecting with the divine guidance that heaven is offering you. I call this connection "checking in with heaven":

• Close your eyes and take several deep breaths through your nostrils. Feel yourself relaxing and becoming centred.

• Visualize a six-pointed star above your head shining a crystal clear light over your whole body.

• Breathe in this divine light and feel your connection to heaven growing. As you do this, thank Metatron for his presence and for helping you to connect to the universal wisdom being offered.

• Ask about any situations on which you need light or advice.

There's another great little thing you can say, too:

"Dear universe, thank you for directing me to what you would have me do, where you would have me go and what you would have me say."

• Then just surrender into the meditation and go with the guidance offered, however that comes to you.

• When you feel ready, acknowledge your blessings and give thanks for all that you have received. Then open your eyes. Remember to write yourself some notes of wisdom!

In meditations or visualizations like this, record myself on my phone talking myself through the steps and prayers so that during the meditation can relax and not wonder if I'm "doing

it right." It's also important to say that this is all about intention and you can go on your own wee journey if you like! Trust that the angels will guide you.


Archangel Metatron can also help us with any time issues or constraints. Since the turn of the millennium, you may have felt that time has sped up. So many lightworkers (those who have chosen to be here and live a life of love) find themselves running late nowadays and losing track of time. With his planetary knowledge, Metatron can help us adjust to these changes and get back on schedule.

Use this prayer or something similar:

"Thank you, Metatron, for adjusting time so that I'm back on schedule!

I ask all for the highest good and know that timing is always divine!"

Here's a message from Metatron:

"In heaven there are no limitations of time and space. When you work with me I will help you align and anchor your spiritual power to work efficiently and to recognize the priorities on your pathway. Within each man and woman lies a warrior spirit who is waiting to lead the way. By anchoring your soul star and allowing yourself to shine like a crystal, you will step into your warrior spirit and will lovingly guide others to spiritual growth and help them see the love that is within!"


Metatron can help us with settling indigo, rainbow and crystal children; realigning our chakras; connecting with divine guidance and getting back on schedule.


Here's a prayer to welcome Metatron's energy into your life:

'Metatron, Archangel of Ascension,

Thank you for coming to me with your energy that goes beyond time and space.

As your magenta, indigo and crystalline rays surround my being, my soul adjusts to the here and now and I find purpose in the present and allow divine guidance to carry me forward.

My chakras align with love and I prepare to create heaven on Earth!

And so it is!"


• Metatron works with Orion and Sandalphon to help us adapt to the spiritual shifts that are taking place on the planet.

• Metatron and Raphael work together to clear our body and energy. They're also a great combination to call on if you're a Reiki practitioner.

• Metatron and Sandalphon work together to ensure we can have a spiritual connection without having to lose our balance as a "human".

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