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  • Writer's pictureSOUL Keeper



Archangel Metatron's name could possibly come from the Hebrew Meta thronon, " the throne next to the divine". This would automatically connect this archangel to the choir of Thrones in the angelic hierarchy.

Metatron is a special angel because he once walked the Earth as a human. He was known as Enoch and was a prophet and scribe who gained so much knowledge of the divine that when he came to pass away, he ascended to archangel status.

Metatron is a beautiful young angel. He's one of the tallest angels I've ever seen, but will also come in at an approachable height. He has light brown hair, bronze skin, deep indigo eyes and a really chiselled chin - think a darker-skinned Robert Pattinson from the Twilight movies. He wears magenta robes.

Metatron has a lot to do with our planet's changes and transitions. At the moment, he's helping us harness the new energies that are being offered to us by the universe. I call him 'the angel who connects heaven to Earth'. With his human experience and angelic knowledge, no one could do it better. One of the things I feel when I work with Metatron is that he helps me connect to Earth and heaven at the same time. It's as if us how to walk our talk! he's showing

The New Kids on the Block

As an ascended master, Metatron shows the way for the new kids on the block, the Earth angels, the future leaders and warrior spirits who are going to lead us to harmony. They are known as indigo, crystal and rainbow children - they're the future prophets, psychics and healers who are already here teaching and sharing their love.

Indigo Warriors

A huge influx of indigos arrived from the late 1980s to the late 1990s, although some did come much earlier. I call these amazing souls indigo 'warriors' rather than 'children', because most of them are adults now. They are natural-born psychics with fiery and rebellious spirits. I've been told many times that I'm one of them!

Many of these souls chose families that needed to be reminded what love was, so they came to broken homes, to low and lost parents, or were adopted. They are highly sensitive, hyperactive beings who can go from cool and collected to destructive at the flick of a switch. Many of them have been labelled with ADD, ADHD, autism or OCD. If they can remember their divine origins, however, they can become powerful psychics, leaders and peace entrepreneurs.

They can spot liars in an instant, and although they might be hot-headed, generally they have every reason to be! One of the greatest things about the indigo generation is that y has a passion for truth and integrity. Indigos will share th with you.

Sadly, many indigos have lost their way in life, but Meters can help get them back on track. If you know someone wis indigo qualities, send him to them now.

Crystal and Rainbow Children

Crystal and rainbow children are souls who seem older tra their years or who have been here before. They are born with bright, passionate eyes and are so loving, kind-hearted and generous. They have natural compassion and will forgive exly Generally they are born into safe environments and familie because they need to concentrate on reaching out and touching as many people as possible. They can see people's auras and wil do their best to heal their pain.

have met some of these souls and just can't contain my emotions when I connect with them. Their hearts emanate a divine love that is very similar to that of the angels and ascended masters.

These kids are very sensitive, and many of them have been bullied at school, but they won't lose their temper, they'll just show love to the bullies. They'll forgive them and will seize every available opportunity to teach love.

Many of these kids will find themselves being drawn to religion and spirituality. Some of those I've met have loved going to church, singing hymns and saying their prayers. It's as if they

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