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  • Writer's pictureSOUL Keeper



Archangel Raguel, "Friend of God", is one of the angels of justice. His role to bring harmony and balance situations that are out of control and lack love.

Raguel is a beautiful angel, and must admit I found it difficult to work out whether his energy was male or female Angels are said to be androgynous in essence, but I have always seen them as either male or female. Raguel does appear to be male, but has a feminine and soft appearance that complements his subtle energy. always see him as a pearly white being with a bright orange aura. His face is pale and round, his eyes are deep as the night sky, with silver and white swirls in them, and fus white hair is brushed back. He stands with his arms open to his sides and emanates a divine love that brings us to a calm centre.

When I connected to Raguel to understand his role and purpose, here is the message I heard:

"My role is to bring a sense of calm and harmony to situations and places that have forgotten about the light As an angel of justice, it is my purpose to ensure that these situations are adhering to the spiritual Law of Grace. I am unable to help in a situation unless called upon; however, when it comes to worldly and universal issues I work to the Law of Grace, ensuring light is brought where it is needed.

I have a particular need to help relationships, especially where families are feeling the strains that can cause rupture and disconnection. I am here to resolve any conflict within the hearts and homes of those involved.

It is important to say that I am no judge and I cannot determine the outcome of a situation. It is the universe who decides this; I just follow the laws that are in place".

Raguel is always present in readings when there is a legal case going on. Whenever pick up his name at the early stages of a session, I know that he wants to help my client feel at ease and focus on harmony. One of the greatest things about Raguel is he won't help you fight, he will help you create harmony. Fighting is a product of fear and he is for love. Remember, though, that standing your ground is a loving thing to do. If this is the case for you, call on Raguel to support you.

Once I was doing a reading for a lady in Russia and could see Raguel standing beside her in my mind. In his hand he carried the scales of justice. I hadn't even got as far as explaining how the reading was going to work when found myself blurting out, "Archangel Raguel, the angel of justice, is helping you with your life purpose in law and with finding harmony as you are currently working in a man's world!"

"I can't believe you've said that!" she replied. "Although I work in a lab at the moment, I'm in my final year of training to be a barrister!"

I knew that this was the perfect role for her, and she felt reassured that this angel of harmony was encouraging her down that path


Whenever we find ourselves in conflict with another person, we gull all of our energy in and close ourselves off from the divine love and support that is there for us, especially if we begin criticizing the person we're arguing with.

If we want to resolve this conflict, there's a really important question we need to ask ourselves, and it comes from A Course in Miracles:

"Would you rather be right or happy?"

If your answer is "Happy", then Raguel is there to help you. One of the things he mentioned in his message is that he cannot judge, for can he decide who's right and who's wrong, but what he can do is return a situation to love. So, when we call on him, he will bathe our whole situation in his orange harmonious light.


Raguel can help us with any sort of legal matter and our career we work in law, bringing balance and harmony to a situation, resolving conflicts or arguments, welcoming and manifesting friends, and moving away from those we can't help any longer.


Here's a prayer to welcome Raguel's energy into your life

'Dear Raguel the Archangel,

Thank you for shining your harmonious light of balance on my life.

Thank you for helping me recognize all those who are trustworthy.

Thank you for bringing any conflicts or arguments in my life to an end.

Thank you for helping me discern what is right and what is wrong.

Thank you for being a great friend and shining God's light on me.

It feels so good to know you are here, guiding my path to growth!

And so it is!"

Here's a prayer for calling on Raguel's help in resolving conflict.

"Thank you, Archangel Raguel, for surrounding me, [name of person], and this situation in a space of harmonious love. I surrender this whole situation to you, knowing that from this point on it has already been resolved. And so it is!"

As Raguel means "Friend of God", Raguel is also absolutely brilliant for any friendship issues, including manifesting new friends. My mother has always told me that you can never have enough friends, and she's absolutely right.

We're always learning and developing, however, and this means that friends will come and go. I feel that they will always reflect our level of development. Some of them will come with great lessons, too. But our challenging friends can be our greatest teachers.

If you're finding it difficult to work out who your friends really are, Raguel can help. Try this prayer:

"Dear Raguel, thank you for wrapping your harmonious light around me so that I can feel warm and protected.

I surrender my friendships to you, dear one.

Thank you for illuminating the souls I can trust with confidence and for helping me to let go of those who do not act with integrity.

I do this in the space of love and know that it's best for the growth of all of us.

And so it is!"

If you're ready to manifest new friends who will benefit your growth, try this:

"I now open my heart with love and appreciation to the new souls who are joining me on my journey!

I am so glad to welcome into my life friends and teachers who are constantly improving themselves and their spiritual connection.

Dear Raguel, thank you for directing this whole process! And so it is!"


• Raguel works with Jeremiel to help us recognize the divine harmony behind the illusions of fear.

• He also works with Michael to help us detach from drama or from people whose words and actions are harmful.

• He works with Michael and Zadkiel to resolve legal issues, and we can ask him and Raziel to come together to uncover information in a legal case that has secrets (remembering to add that all should be for the highest good).

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