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  • Writer's pictureSOUL Keeper



Archangel Raphael is a beautiful and powerful angel. His name translates as "God heals", and this special being governs a choir of angels dedicated to health and healing on all levels.

Raphael is well known, especially for his emerald-green aura. He is said to carry a caduceus, the winged staff with twin coiled serpents that is a symbol of the medical profession and is seen on the side of ambulances and on medical uniforms.

Raphael as a tall handsome angel with bronze skin and dark curly locks, wearing muscle-moulded copper and gold breastplates. He has bright, almost pearlescent wings and a green-and-gold aura swirling around him. He holds his caduceus, but I see this more as a wand than a staff.


Raphael is not only dedicated to helping us heal; he wants us to live a healthy lifestyle, too. Some of the most important things he has taught me are to have a balanced diet, to make time to relax and to drink plenty of water.

Raphael can help us when it comes to weight loss. fitness and changing old eating habits. His choir of angels is also dedicated to our health and wellbeing. They, like him, are waiting

for our call. We can either ask them for healing for ourselves or for others. We can thank them for looking after a loved one who ill or even someone we don't know at all.

Visualizing an emerald-green light washing over us from head to toe can really bring Raphael's energy to us. When do imagine that this light not only washes over my body but a penetrates my skull and courses through my veins and every major organ. I see it as a green liquid light that is moving gently through me, doing what it needs to do. When I was working with Raphael, I felt inspired to ask for a message on healing.

Here's what I received:

"Dear one, thank you for taking a great interest in the power and miracles of healing. It is very important that you know your mind is the greatest tool you have to heal yourself. Your body is very sensitive to every thought you think and every action you perform. It is controlled by your thoughts and actions, not the other way about. This is why people can spiral downwards so quickly. Be aware that you can influence your body in a positive way. Even when you're well, treat it with love, treat it with respect, and it will be stronger on your journey."

Something that I feel it is important to repeat here is that fighting with a dis-ease isn't the way to go! Remember that love eradicates fear, and fear eradicates love, and dis-ease is a product of fear? So, you know what you need to do, right? Let love in!

Love your body, send blessings to it. If you work on the ray of love and send love to your body, it will begin rippling through every cell, encouraging your whole body to resume its natural healthy state.


As well as bringing healing, Raphael can be called upon when we're going on a journey. With his healing ray, he can help us feel comforted and safe while on the move.

Something really amazing happens when we invite Raphael and his angels to travel with us everything seems to run perfectly. I call on Raphael every time I have a flight ahead or am travelling any distance on the train, and I always feel safe and relaxed, so much so that I'm famous for falling asleep before take-off!


Raphael can help us with healing on all levels, freeing ourselves from addictions or old habits, opening our heart chakra, cleansing our third eye for increasing clairvoyance and feeling safe while travelling.


Here's a prayer to welcome Raphael's energy into your life:

"Archangel Raphael, divine healer,

Thank you for your strength and support.

I allow your healing light to wash through every cell of my body I acknowledge healing begins in the present and so accept healing now. It feels so good as my body returns to health; it feels amazing knowing I am alive, vital and free. I remember that only love is real; I focus on the love within that brings me peace of mind and happiness. I am whole again, I am healed, I am love. With gratitude, am well!

And so it is!"


• Raphael and Ariel bring healing to the animal kingdom.

• Raphael works with Chamuel to help us see love in a situation.

• He works with Haniel and Raziel to help us cultivate ou spiritual gifts and clairvoyance.

• He works with Metatron to clear our body and energy They're also a great combination to call on if you're a Reiki practitioner.

• He can work with Raziel to help us increase our knowledge of healing.

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