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  • Writer's pictureSOUL Keeper



Raziel, the archangel I like to refer to as a "magician" or "old Sage", is the angel who governs many of the spiritual laws that affect Earth, especially the Law of Manifestation. His name means "Secrets of God", and this is because he knows the ins and outs of universal energy.

Raziel appears in many different ways to me. I've seen him with sun-kissed dark skin, looking rather Egyptian. However, I've also seen him as an Indian yogi. I believe he has walked the Earth in many physical bodies to teach us the ways of our beautiful universe.

When we connect with Raziel, his golden aura will wash over us and align our energy with the universe. He can teach us how to understand and work with the spiritual laws to support our growth. He helps us discover the energy of God that flows through us. He can open our mind and help us connect with our inner wisdom.

One of the most important messages that Raziel shares with us is:

"Knowledge is learned, whereas wisdom comes from within. As you connect with me and my energy, I will take you on an inner journey on which you can the answers you seek. By acknowledging God within, your higher self, you will extend your energy to the universe and begin to see more clearly. Your vision already exists; it just takes that moment when you open your eyes and acknowledge the divine in you, which is then shown throughout your life."

We are constantly looking outside ourselves for answers rather than connecting to God, who isn't 'up there' but 'in here', in our heart. Our higher self is our divine intelligence; it's that voice of support and unconditional love that can be seen as the voice of grace, spirit or even angels. Raziel can help us awaken it.


Raziel has the ability to help us feel at ease, especially when it comes to our spiritual understanding. So many of us can find ourselves 'mind boggled' when it comes to understanding the natural spiritual laws such as Attraction, Manifestation and Karma. When we connect with Raziel, he will help us process and understand the information.

Working with Raziel can also be helpful when learning a system such as the Kabbalah or A Course in Miracles, or even gearing up to be a Reiki master. He will help us attune our energies to the teachings and understand them for our growth.


Meditation is so important for our awareness and development. pedicating at least 10 minutes a day, five days a week, will really help us to attune to the angels and their messages.

If you ever want to learn more and find yourself looking for a new book, new course or new lecture, stop! Welcome in Raziel and meditate. The best learning comes when we go within, when we breathe deeply and close our eyes, when we make time to remember who we really are.


Doing a physical practice like yoga, where we flow with our body and breathing, can really enhance our spiritual practice, too. Creating that physical alignment of our spine and deepening our breath allows our prayers to soar high to God and enables us to listen to the divine richness of our soul.

Because of the rich knowledge in yoga and the way it connects the soul with the physical body, when we practise it we can particularly enhance our connection to Raziel.


Raziel can help us with understanding and working with the spiritual laws, increasing our spiritual knowledge, learning through meditation and connecting soul and body through yoga.


Here's a prayer to welcome Raziel's energy into your life:

"Archangel Raziel, the divine magician,

Thank you for opening up my mind and heart to spiritual knowledge. I feel so connected, knowing and understanding the universal laws, so that I can create the life I deserve.

Thank you for blessing my aura with your intelligence, so can understand myself and my life even more. Thank you for reminding me of my spiritual function and purpose. It's so good to travel through life with your knowledge. And so it is!"


• Raziel, Haniel and Raphael help us cultivate our spiritual gifts and clairvoyance.

• Raziel and Jophiel can deepen our awareness and still the mind in meditation.

• We can ask Raziel and Raguel to come together to uncover information in a legal case that has secrets (remembering to add that all should be for the highest good).

• Raziel and Raphael work together to help us increase our healing knowledge.

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