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  • Writer's pictureSOUL Keeper



Sandalphon, the angel of the Earth, is the twin Abrother of Metatron. Just like him, he once walked the Earth, in his case as the biblical prophet Elijah. Now he connects us to the heart of Mother Earth and helps us obtain information and insight from her.

Sandalphon has a lovely copper aura. He is a beautiful, pale faced, almost feminine-looking angel, but has a muscular body. Music is often heard when he arrives. His wingspan is huge, and when you call upon make you feel safe.

Sandalphon's name can mean a few different things. It is very similar to the Greek word synadelfos, which means "co-worker", but many also believe it could mean "co-brother", as adelphos is Greek for "brother". The brother connection could definitely work, given that he and Metatron are twins.


Sandalphon is the master of song and loves music. When we listen to music, it raises our spirits and lifts our consciousness up to heaven. Not only that, it affects our heart and circulation and can have a therapeutic effect on the whole body. If you're ab musician or want to demonstrate your talents at singing or p budding playing an instrument, Sandalphon will support you.

The Angel Who Delivers Our Prayers to Heaven During Moses' visit to the third heaven, he is said to have seen Sandalphon and referred to him as 'the tall angel', although this idea goes back to before the Torah. In the Babylonian Talmud, Sandalphon's head reaches heaven. The way I interpret this is that if Sandalphon's feet are on Earth and his head is in heaven, he is delivering our prayers to the creator.

I have also read that in the liturgy for the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles Sandalphon is acknowledged for gathering the prayers of the faithful and creating a garland from them to present to 'the king of kings', or God.

To this day, Sandalphon carries our prayers like a divine postman, making sure God gets our special delivery. Through synchronicity, he can also indicate the answers we're looking for. If you're having trouble finding answers to your prayers, he's your man.


Sandalphon works with the copper ray, which is the energy that allows us to connect with Mother Earth, or as I call her, Gaia. It is a spiritual light we can visualize in order to connect with the energies and intelligence of our planet. When we do this, Gaia can direct us on our path and give us guidance on how we can help humanity.

If we visualize the copper light beneath our feet, we can see it extending to parts of the world that need extra energy, love, compassion and healing. It is an energy that is infinite, but according to the Law of Free Will, we have to give it permission to go out and heal. As copper is also a metal, Sandalphon has many close

connections to the planet and can therefore help us find material things, too. Through prayer you can call upon him and thank him for directing you to something you're looking for.

I remember my mother once had a lovely slice of rose quartz that was hidden away somewhere, not being used. It was a rectangular piece that was polished on one side and around the same size as my angel card deck. I'd been asking her for a few weeks to find it, as I really wanted to use it in my work, and she kept putting me off, saying she wasn't sure where it was. Then one night I said, "Mum, have you found that slice of rose quartz yet?"

"Oh, for goodness' sake, I'll look for it now. Will you please stop going on?!"

began to laugh at her diva fit, but not too hard, as I really did want the rose quartz. Mum said out loud, "Thank you, Archangel Sandalphon, for

showing me where this rose quartz is!"

Then out of nowhere she had a vision that the rose quartz was in her wardrobe in a box underneath a pile of books.

"I know where it is!" she called out and ran to her where, sure enough, she found the large crystal slice.

My mother claims she's not psychic and doesn't was s be, and that she just saw the rose quartz as you would a daydream. Calling on Sandalphon to find a lost item can he you locate it through your natural intuition. But however you it, do call on him and look out for amazing results.


The Earth star chakra is an anchor to the Earth in the shape of a large crystal star 30 centimetres below our feet. When w connect to this energy, we ground ourselves and come right back down to Earth but still maintain our connection to heaven

This beautiful chakra can help us send healing to the plane connect to it to gain wisdom, and walk through life feeling connected to joy and to our pathway. The best way to connect with it is through visualization and affirmation. Though it is 12 inches below our feet, because it helps us connect with the Earth, I always get people to imagine it at the very centre of the Earth:


• Imagine your feet growing the most amazing gold and copper roots that go right down to the centre of the Earth.

• When they reach the centre, they find a large crystal star there and wrap themselves around it. Tie them around it so tightly and so strongly that you anchor yourself right into the Earth.

• Then take several deep breaths and remain open to anything you're shown or told, as we can be given so much insight by Sandalphon and, of course, the Earth herself.

Another great way to connect to your Earth star is with this affirmation:

"I am grounded and centred. I root myself to the Earth. I am the Earth and the Earth is me. I align with my Earth star. We are one."


"Work with me and my light to connect and bond with the infinite wisdom of our great mother, planet Earth. Plant your feet firmly on her soil and download her exquisite intelligence, which is being offered to you now. When you connect to both heaven and Earth through your mind, you suspend yourself in a protective cocoon of love that flows freely from both of these dimensions. It is time to bond with the Earth so that you know the way forward from here!"


Sandalphon can help us with channelling our creativity through music, finding a lost item, connecting to the Earth for Support and grounding, sending our prayers to heaven (think of him as a heavenly postman!) and understanding signs and Synchronicities.


"Archangel Sandalphon, Angel of the Earth. I welcome your copper light into my life.

Thank you for guiding me to understand the signs of heavens presence and for delivering my prayers to heaven. I allow myself to become connected with you and the

intelligence of planet Earth.

Dear Sandalphon, remind me how I can serve, how I can shine, and how I can adjust to the planetary changes going on. I surrender to your force!

And so it is!"


• Sandalphon and Chamuel can work together so we can intuitively find our soul mate on Earth.

• Sandalphon works with Metatron to ensure we can have a spiritual connection without having to lose our balance as a 'human'.

• He also works with Metatron and Orion to help us adapt to

the spiritual shifts that are taking place on the planet.

• Sandalphon and Uriel are a great team for helping us get answers to our prayers and to solve problems.

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