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  • Writer's pictureSOUL Keeper



Uriel is one of the four main archangels mentioned in Abrahamic texts. His name comes from the Hebrew for "God's light" and I call him "the angel of light". He is a powerful angel with a sunny nature who lights up any type of darkness. When I connect with him, he reminds me of the sun - ever-glowing, bright and warm.

My clairvoyant view of Uriel is as a tall, handsome pale skinned angel with a bright yellow and gold aura. His eyes are deep blue like the night sky, and his body is covered in golden armour. He carries a torch of light.

Uriel can help us in many ways. He brings us inspiration and creative thoughts. He is particularly brilliant at helping us obtain answers to questions and is great for problem-solving, too. Anytime we are unsure about a decision, we can welcome in Uriel to help us make the right choice.

I've found that Uriel is absolutely amazing for those who are self-employed or thinking of running their own business. This is because he helps us think quickly and know what to do and where we're going. If you're creative and need some inspiration, Uriel can help you unlock your gifts and move to the next level.

He will encourage your unique gifts, inspire you to grow and help your business gain recognition. I always feel that Uriel's energy is like spending a day in the outdoors, with fresh air, clear blue skies and warm sunshine. After days like this we feel uplifted and happy. Uriel brings the joy of life, the light of heaven and divine inspiration. Here is a message from him:

"I am the light of God that shines through your heart and mind. Call on me to illuminate the path ahead so you can clearly see how you can create change and balance in your life. By trusting in me and the angels of light, you will be of great service to humanity. Remember that being of service and shining God's light will not only help others grow but increase your divine connection, too."


Uriel has a team of angels whom I call "the angels of light". These angels are dedicated to the soul of the Earth. They can be called upon when there is any sort of disaster or tragic circumstance that really needs truth and light. Whenever you are aware of a situation that needs great healing and light, call upon Uriel and the angels of light to illuminate all involved. They will be there for everything from tsunamis to earthquakes, floods, terrorist activity and tragic accidents.

Here is a prayer to call on Uriel and the angels of light:

"Archangel Uriel and the angels of light, thank you so much for casting your light over (the situation) and all those involved. Remind them of your presence and illuminate them so that they find comfort and peace. Thank you for lovingly directing all you can to safety and peace.

And so it is!"


Uriel is closely connected to the male aspect of heath and wellbeing - everything from prostate issues to fertility. As he works with the energy of the sun, which in many traditions is symbol of God and the male aspect of the universe, he will be able to restore life-force, energy and, of course, much-needed stamina. I always recommend a prayer to Uriel to boost the libido and the ability to create life.

The angels are aware of the importance of sexual health and wellbeing, so there's no need for embarrassment. If you know someone who's experiencing issues here, call on Uriel for illumination and balance.


Uriel can help us with starting a business, being creative problem-solving, illuminating a dark situation and men's health and fertility issues.


Here's a prayer to welcome Uriel's energy into your life:

"Archangel Uriel, Light of God,

I am open to your guidance and support. Thank you for enabling me to recognize my inner light and creativity and for illuminating the path ahead.

I open my spiritual eyes and allow my higher self to take me forward, following your promptings. I allow myself to shine, knowing I deserve only the best.

Thank you, Uriel, for reminding me of your presence and for helping me realize I have gifts to share with this planet.

And so it is!"


• Uriel works with Chamuel on career issues.

• Uriel and Sandalphon are a great team for helping us get answers to our prayers and solve problems.

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