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  • Writer's pictureSOUL Keeper



Zadkiel is a powerful archangel whose name translates "Righteousness of God". He is one of the justice angels, along with Michael and Raguel.

Zadkiel has an amazing deep-purple and ultraviolet a with a really purifying energy. When I see him clairvoyantly. reminds me of A.C. Slater from the teenage sitcom Saved by Bell. He has a mixed-race appearance, with golden skin an muscular build.

I have nicknamed him "the peacekeeper", as he comes to help us forgive and have compassion for those who have created challenges for us in our life. He is almost like the inner voice of grace - he wants us all to love each other and is dedicate helping us put things right when they go wrong. He encourage us to find compassion for both ourselves and others. He is an angel of balance who can help us to become merciful and find deep inner peace.


Zadkiel is one of the keepers of the Violet flame, a spiritual energy that helps us to release anything from our past that is holding us back. We can take everything from relationships to traumatic experiences and even past-life challenges to the Violet flame, knowing it will transmute pain into love and have a hugely positive effect on our life and energy.

The most amazing thing about the violet flame is even though it will release all negativity and traumat affect anything that is already good. For example, you and you partner are having issues in your relationship. There are great aspects to your bond, but a financial issue is com between you. When you present your relationship to de and the violet flame, they will energetically release you front burdens and fear, transform any arguments into compassion a most of all, create space for your love to grow. Sometimes things you least expect come to your mind when you connect with the Violet flame - half-forgotten situations from your childhood, or memories that aren't even from this life. Surrender to the process and trust that Zadkiel is releasing everything that you don't need in your life now.

You can connect with the Violet flame through visualization or affirmation.


• Imagine going into a room in heaven with a large fire pit in the centre. Bright ultraviolet flames burn at the heart of the fire.

• As you stand by those flames, think of any situations you are ready to let go of or ask to be shown what you need to release.

• Turn these situations into bundles of wood and place them on the ultraviolet flames.

• See them being completely consumed by the energy of the flames and say:

"I surrender this issue to the violet flame in the presence of Archangel Zadkiel!"

There is something so powerful about saying 'I am, then naming a form of energy. When we affirm we are the violet flame, we bring it into ourselves and allow it to work through our body. This will enable us to release all that we no longer need, and will target everything from past lives to childhood memories and present issues without our having to be fully conscious of them. Try this:

"I am the violet flame of purification.

I surrender and release all fear from my being.

Transmute and transform, compassion fulfil me,

I am showered in mercy and now I am set free!

And so it is!"


"Working with me shows your willingness to let go all that no longer serves you - all the karma and old habits that have built up over lifetimes and no longer serve your energy or purpose. Invoke my presence and my viola lig to transmute this karma and transform old habits into positive new pathways to follow. The spiritual power you seek is hidden under these layers of unneeded four-its time to let go!"


Zadkiel works with Michael, Raquel and a force of anges to bring about justice and compassion to situations that neast Whenever I see Zadkiel and Raquel come up in a reading low that there's a legal situation literally on the cards.

So many people worry about situations like this, and of course they want the turn-out to go in their favour. As much a that would be nice, Zadkiel and the angels of justice will always work for balance and the highest good of everyone involved.


If you've been involved in a legal matter and have actually created the situation, remember that everything you do creates a ware and it will come back to you.

Karma is the law of cause and effect. Every single thought you have and action you take will have some sort of effect of you and your life. If you perform a good deed, it will come back to you, and it's the same with things that aren't so positive

One of the important things about karma is that you can't direct it. So many times I've heard people say to someone, "I hope karma comes back and gets you for that!' It's really important to know you are not a lord of karma and you can't choose how it will work. I always encourage people to leave other people's actions to them and concentrate on their own journey.


Wanting bad karma or punishment for someone isn't merciful, and angels always encourage us to have compassion for others, or at the very least for ourselves. When we think negative thoughts about someone, we're really attacking ourselves, because we're all connected - we're all God's children.

When we say someone has held us back or ruined our happiness, we're giving them our power. It's exactly the same when we resent someone and can't find it in our heart to forgive. Remember we have many choices in life, and we choose when to release something and when to hold on to it.

Many people say that they can't forgive because that means they're condoning the negative action. But angels want to remind us that there are only two states of being: fear and love. When we harm someone else, we're living in fear. When we can't forgive, we're living in fear, too. We're not transcending the situation.

When we focus on love and practise it daily, however, we do transcend the situation. When we send love to the person who's harmed us, that's even better, for if they discover the miracle of love, they can't harm anyone any more.

So, forgiveness doesn't mean we think a negative action is acceptable; it means we're focusing on the one thing that eradicates fear: love.


Zadkiel can help us with connecting to the violet flame, bringing justice to a legal situation, releasing contracts and karma connecting to the spirit of mercy and finding it in our heart to forgive


Here's a prayer to welcome Zadkiel's energy into your life:

"Archangel Zadkiel, Angel of Justice and Righteousness, Keeper of the Violet Flame,

Thank you for bringing your energy to me now.

I surrender, release and transmute all old karma, contracts and setbacks with love.

I am the violet flame.

The spirit of mercy fills my very core as I find it within myself to forgive and release the past and to focus on compassion.

I am an expression of divine love. Thank you for supporting me.

And so it is!"


• Zadkiel and Michael can help us overcome fears or phobias.

• Zadkiel, Michael and Azrael are a powerful combination for transmuting and removing fear from a space or home.

• Zadkiel works with Michael and Raguel to bring about justice.

• Archangel Zadkiel's twin flame and the Archaeia of the violet flame is Holy Amethyst. Together they work to transmute and transform the fear of the world to love.

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