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  • Writer's pictureSOUL Keeper



The beautiful qualities of faith, hope and charity are ones that many of us hope to acquire. They are not just human traits, though, but very much aspects of the divine.

I remember reading in some of the older, traditional ascended master teachings that there were angels who were twin flames of some of the major archangels and were referred to as the "Archeia". They were the divine feminine counterpart of many angels.

I had already acknowledged that some of the archangels were female, though other schools of thought have seen them all as male. To a very traditional patriarchal mind, a female Archeia would therefore bring more energetic balance. It is my opinion that archangels do have counterparts who balance their energies, but the pairings don't have to be male and female, they can be both male and both female as well.

Angels are androgynous; to help us develop a relationship with them, they provide an identity, but in truth they're just an "entity".

A Course in Miracles defines an angel as "a thought of God" and I like to take that a little bit further and see angels as the heartbeats of God. I love the idea that if God were to have faith, he would create an angel, if he were to hope, he would create an angel, and if he were to offer charity, he would create an angel.

Faith, Hope and Charity are a divine trinity of sister angels who are dedicated to the loving elevation of humanity and the planet. They work as individual angels offering different aspects of support and healing, but also together as a force of miraculous inspiration.


I remember when I was around 16 going to a spiritual wellbeing festival and picking up an image of Archangel Michael and Faith. I loved it so much that I used my pocket money to purchase it. It became a comforter that I took everywhere with me in my backpack. For this reason alone, I have had a deeper connection to Faith than to the rest of her trinity, and this image, painted by Marius Michael-George, has influenced how I see her.

In my clairvoyant view, Faith is a beautiful blonde-haired angel who has a heart-shaped face and is surrounded by a cobalt blue energy and halo. She has the most incredible piercing blue eyes and I have often seen her carrying a sword of truth - similar to her twin flame, Archangel Michael.

Faith brings an energy of certainty - she has a presence that can help you feel strong and confidant. Her presence feels like the fresh air that surrounds you when you are standing at the foot of mountains - it's as if her presence alone clears the air. reassuring


As her name suggests, Faith can support us as we move into state of trusting our angels and the higher power. As Faith is the divine counterpart, twin flame and Archeia of Archangel Michael, she can help us connect with the energy of truth (which their swords represent) and discern the energies and intentions behind a situation.

Faith can help restore our faith in humanity if we have been let down by others or experienced trauma. She represents the energy of benevolence, which aims to heal all the hearts and parts of the world that have been exposed to the energy of violence.

Here is a message from her:

"When in doubt, call on me to help you discern the intentions or energy behind a situation. I will honour and protect your sensitivity, guiding you in truth towards a state of safety and peace."


• Recovery from exposure to violent energy

• Recovery from PTSD or other trauma-induced conditions e recovery e knowing who is trustworthy and what is the right course of action

• Knowing who is trustworthy and what is the right course of action

• Restoring our faith in humanity


"Faith, angel of truth and benevolence,

Thank you for placing your healing hands upon me and directing my vision to love. I welcome your guidance and direction with my discernment so that I know what the truth is and whom to trust. I am ready and willing to see the light in the world.

And so it is!"


When clairvoyantly connect with Hope, I see an angelic being made of light from head to toe and surrounded by golden light. She has the softest, most loving gaze, and the air around her which I have asked her to reveal to me, she looks somewhat smells like sweet, burning frankincense. In her more human form, Asian. She has a porcelain complexion and a very elegant bone structure. Her skin glows with such luminance that it's almost as if it's made of pearl.

As well as desiring the fulfilment of something, the word us trust 'hope' means to trust in it, and therefore Archeia Hope is safe, trustworthy and reassuring. She is dedicated to helping us trust that we are loved, cherished and supported by the kingdom of heaven. As an angel of great luminance, she also helps that there is light with us, even if we feel we are in a dark place.

Hope is the divine counterpart, twin flame and Archeia of Archangel Gabriel (who is also seen as female in this book). These angels work together to help everyone in the world feel loved and accepted for who they are. They can be particularly supportive of those who are struggling with their sexuality or sexual identity, or are having challenges in a same-sex relationship.

When I asked Hope if she would like to share a message, I heard the simple yet profound:

"We are all the children of God. We are loved wholly and completely - there is nothing we have to do or prove to experience this love. It was made for us all and is within us all"

It is important to remember that when you are looking at yourself in 5he mirror, God is within you. When you are looking at another person in judgement, God is within them, and God is love.


Hope can help with:

• Loving and accepting yourself

• Understanding and accepting a loved one's personal choice

• Sexuality, sexual identity and LGBTQ issues, concerns or work


Here's a prayer to welcome the support of Archeia Hope into your life:

"Hope, angel of loving golden light, bringer of acceptance and trust,

I welcome your healing rays into my heart, so that I can see through the eyes of love.

I am ready to see the love that I am. I am ready to see that same love in others.

Wherever I am challenged, I welcome your support.

Wherever I am judgemental, I welcome your correction and enlightenment.

Today I remember I am a child of God.

And so it is!"


Charity has the warmest, most nurturing light of all of this sacred trinity. When I clairvoyantly connect with her, I see an angel bursting with pink, purple and deep red light. She has skin the colour of caramel, eyes of hazelnut brown, and wears a crown of roses. She has an energy of love that is like a cosy blanket of goodness that allows you to feel wrapped up and protected by the light of heaven.

As a virtue and principle, charity is about giving without looking for anything in return, and for that reason this angel that can help us connect with the energy of giving and the energy of purpose. When I was connecting with her while researching Keepers of the Light, she appeared to me with her hands in prayer, and I was made aware that she is an angel who helps u develop a spiritual practice and reap the benefits of prayer and meditation.

Charity is the twin flame, Archeia and divine counterpart of Archangel Chamuel. They both work with the ruby ray of the heart and unconditional love. These two angels are particularly powerful in helping mend relationships and finding a way to take them forwards, should there be any challenges.

Charity encourages us to develop a prayer and contemplation practice so that we can uncover the answers that lie within. She helps us dive deep inside ourselves to reflect and take time in prayer before making a decision that could hold us back rather than move us forwards.


"In prayer you allow all separation between you and the divine to vanish. It is through prayer you shall ask and through contemplation you shall receive. Be willing to listen and breathe. Ask and it will be given."


Charity can help with:

• Developing a prayer and contemplation practice

• Finding the patience to work through relationship challenges

• Trusting in the power of giving, service and charity


Here's a prayer to welcome the help of Charity:

"Thank you, Charity, angel of loving light, for helping me develop and nurture my spiritual practice so that I may open up a direct channel with the divine.

I am willing to move beyond my limiting thoughts and the distractions that are holding me back from stillness. I am ready to release any blockages or discomfort I have and

rejoice in my own time and space. Thank you for showing me that all the answers I need are within. It feels so good to remember this truth. Thank you for encouraging me to uncover them.

I welcome your support and feel it wrapping around me like a blanket of goodness.

And so it is!"


Working with Faith, Hope and Charity as a whole is a wonderful experience and they come with a force of holy angels by their side. When I invited them into my meditation practice, I could see these angels around me, keeping me safe.

I asked Faith, Hope and Charity to draw close, and clairvoyantly I saw myself surrounded by primary colours - the blue of Faith on my left, the golden yellow of Hope behind me and the pinky red of Charity on my right. I was in a tri-colour force field of utter love and protection. As well as being surrounded by the trinity, I could sense hundreds and even thousands of other angels surrounding them. I downloaded the information that these beings work as a force in helping us regain the natural human qualities of kindness, trust and faith in the highest good.

If you would like to invite Faith, Hope and Charity to help you, call on them with the following prayer:

"Faith, Hope and Charity, trinity of angelic light,

I welcome your help like a wave of inspiration.

Thank you for reminding me to be kind,

Thank you for guiding me to trust.

Thank you for encouraging my faith.

I step back and allow you to lead me, rejoicing in your presence and knowing I am safe.

And so it is!"

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