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  • Writer's pictureSOUL Keeper



Holy Amethyst, or Holy Lady Amethyst, is an ascended angelic being who is strongly connected with the energy of transformation and transmutation. She is the divine counterpart and twin flame of Archangel Zadkiel and one of the keepers of the violet flame.

I first learned about Holy Amethyst from Lily Moses, who created the artwork for the oracle deck Keepers of the Light. During one of the many meetings it was discussed who should be included in the oracle, she mentioned Holy Amethyst. As soon as heard that name, I felt a huge "Yes!" and was instantly reminded of my love for amethyst crystals. Ever since I was a teenager I've been doing a regular meditation where I walk along a beach and visit a huge amethyst cave, where I'm met by angels. For as long as I can remember, this sacred space has been a retreat where I can have my energy revived and rejuvenated.

From a theological and historical perspective, Holy Amethyst seems to have no documented record like the other angels, but don't let this deter you from connecting to this powerful angel. From my experience, when an angel is less known on a historic or theological level, it's because their energy is only being made available to the Earth now. Clairvoyantly, when I connect with Holy Amethyst, I see a cosmic being of light surrounded by an auric field of amethyst crystals ranging in colour from lilac to deep purple. She beams violet light in all directions and has a gentle yet perceptive look on her face. Her head is covered by the hood of a violet cloak.

Although Holy Amethyst is a cosmic being, she has somewhat human features, with eyes that are like a roaring violet fire. Under her cloak is a breastplate that's encrusted with crystals and pearls.


Holy Amethyst is dedicated to helping us overcome challenges and move on from them, particularly those that have had a dampening effect on our spirit. She is dedicated to helping us rise back into our fullest strength and power.

Alchemy, as you may know, is the process of turning a base metal into precious metal or universal elixir. On a spintual level, it is a process of transformation and transmutation, in which a traumatic or challenging situation becomes a catalyst for healing, growth and change.

If you have had a challenging experience and you're not sure how to move on from it, you can call upon the healing rays of Holy Amethyst. She will help you take what feels as heavy as lead and make it light and golden.

Often, when a challenge unfolds before us, we think that the universe has conspired against us to "teach us a lesson", but it hasn't. From my experience, things just happen, either based upon our actions or inaction (often when we just avoid something), but we can learn from the situations in which we find ourselves. When things go wrong or we're faced with a challenge, we often want to know what the lesson is and this is something that Holy Amethyst can help us with.

As Holy Amethyst is the angel of divine alchemy, she can reveal to us the lessons behind a set of circumstances and help us understand how they came about - what brought us to where we are. Welcoming this help requires a radical capacity to listen and to be open to admitting our mistakes, but know that Holy Amethyst isn't judging anything we've done, or avoided, or not recognized. She wants to help us have a clearer vision of where we are and how we can raise our frequency again.


Here's a prayer for understanding lessons:

"Thank you, Holy Amethyst, for revealing to me the patterns, choices and actions that have led to this moment.

Thank you for helping me understand the lessons behind this challenge so that I can continue my rise to greatness.

And so it is!"


Holy Amethyst is one of the four important beings that govern, protect and maintain the violet flame, the spiritual energy that releases harsh, negative and lower-vibrational energy and transforms it into a higher-vibrational healing state. These beings are the twin flames Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst and the twin flames Saint Germain and Lady Portia.

Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst are working to help us recognize the power and magnitude of our actions. They are here to help us see that there is a wave of energy attached to our every thought, intention and action. Everything that we do will have some sort of effect on our next step or experience, and can in turn affect someone else further down the line. Zadkiel a place and Holy Amethyst are dedicated to helping us move to a of loving action so that we can ultimately make a positive difference to the world.

What I've come to recognize is that in the past, Zadkiel was protecting Saint Germain and Holy Amethyst was protecting Lady Portia during their earthly incarnations.


Saint Germain is an ascended master who walked the Earth as a count of the area of Saint Germain in France during the 18th century. The story goes that he was the secret love child of a royal lady and a notable bachelor, and to hide his real identity, he was given a new one. He rose to prominence in his own right because he was a very likeable character who was well educated.

He was interested in magic, alchemy and the cosmos, and was was that he was able to connect with said to have performed real-life miracles and turned lead into One of his gifts both commoners and the aristocracy, and he became extremely gold. popular in many circles because of his ability to treat everyone as an equal and friend.

Like many ascended masters, Saint Germain is able to continue sharing his gifts with the world to this day. He can help anyone turn whatever is leaden in their life into something much lighter and brighter, like gold. Right now he is particularly dedicated to helping those feeling called to help heal social constructs and structures. He believes that everyone should be treated with love and respect. He is also dedicated to helping leaders 'do the right thing.


All the keepers of the violet flame are helpful with

• World issues

• Human rights

• Guiding political leaders to do the right thing

• Transforming social constructs that limit or hurt others

• Any situation that requires justice (see also Archange Zadkiel)

• Legal situations

When you work with all of the keepers combined, you have a powerful congregation of allies who can help bring healing changes and who will inspire you to make a huge difference to the planet.


Visualizing yourself immersed in a violet-coloured cloak allows you to welcome the energy of Holy Amethyst and the rest of the keepers of the violet flame. This energy brings the wisdom that can help you make the decisions that are best for your needs and those of everyone involved in whatever situation you are working with, but particularly those listed above or any personal transformation.

If ever you find yourself unsure what to do next, or how you can heal a situation, let the violet cloak support you in accessing the brightest aspect of your mind, the part that will guide you When I do this, I often liken the violet cloak to the invisibility cloak that Harry Potter wore in The Chamber of Secrets.


• Closing your eyes, switch on the deepest breathing you know.

• Imagine that the angels of the violet flame are close.

• Know that you are not alone.

• Imagine you are placing a giant translucent violet cloak over your whole body.

• Let this create a violet force field of light around your entire being.

• Place your hands over your chest and your heart.

• Breathe into your hands.

• Then say:

"Thank you, Keepers of the Violet Flame, for wrapping me in a violet cloak of transformation. I welcome your guidance, support and divine alchemy at this time. I am grateful for being led and inspired by you.

And so it is."


As Holy Amethyst is connected to the energy of amethyst, you can of course work with amethyst crystals to help deepen your connection to her. You can also ask her to cleanse and charge amethyst crystals with her amethyst ray of healing.

Amethyst crystals are a variation of quartz crystal ranging from light lavender to deep purple in colour. They have been acknowledged for their healing properties all the way back to biblical times. Notably they are said to promote psychic awareness and help us feel confident and safe enough to express our psychic gifts. They are aligned with the third-eye (brow chakra, which governs our clairvoyance, perception and mind.


It's important to know that when you're working with crystals, they don't just need to be charged, they need to be cleansed, too. Many people put crystals out in the moonlight to charge them, not realizing that often they're contaminated with lower energies - generally something they've healed or picked up on their travels - and need to be cleansed first.

Regularly cleansing and charging crystals allows them to be of the highest vibration so that they can facilitate healing and guide whoever is connecting with them to transformative experiences. As Holy Amethyst is one of the keepers of the violet flame, you can call upon her to cleanse crystals using the energy of the violet flame, and then you can invite her to charge them to the highest vibration with her frequency of love.

• Hold in your hand the crystal(s) you would like Holy Amethyst to cleanse and charge, or place them on a flat surface and hold both of your hands over them.

• Close your eyes. Imagine yourself within your violet cloak (see above).

• In your mind, see pure, divine, violet-flame energy streaming into your crown chakra and moving down into your heart space.

• See the light parting at your heart, moving down both your arms and streaming into the crystals.

• And then declare:

"I cleanse these crystals with the violet flame. Thank you, Holy Amethyst, for removing any energy, cords or vibrations that are stopping these crystals from facilitating healing and transformation."

• In your mind, see the crystals being cleansed with the violet flame. There are many ways of doing this, but like to imagine they're being held over a large violet flame and the flame is burning away anything that is less than love. That energy is then transformed back to its original state of goodness.

• Then say:

"Holy Amethyst, with your divine rays of alchemy, thank you for charging and programming these crystals to a healing frequency that will facilitate transformational growth in all those who are open to their energy and help.

And so it is!"

The crystals are now ready to work miracles.


A powerful way to align your energy with that of Holy Amethyst and to open yourself up to direct communication with her is to attune your entire energy body with cleansed and charged amethyst crystals. This is a great exercise to share with a friend or, if you are an energy healer, a client who is going through a time of transition.

You will need seven amethyst crystals. The size doesn't matter and they don't all have to be exactly the same - in fact some should be quite small, maybe the size of a small coin, so that you can lay them upon all your body's energy centers.

• Hold the crystals close to your heart. Imagine a stream of amethyst light coming down from the heavens into them and then say something like:

"Holy Amethyst, divine alchemist, thank you for kissing these crystals with your divine light and allowing them to support my attunement and connection to the amethyst energies of transformation. I am ready to step into my internal power of change so that I can rise to my highest potential."

• Take a deep breath in and imagine you're drawing divine amethyst light into yourself.

• Exhale onto the crystals and imagine them being charged with life and light.

• Lie down and carefully place the seven amethyst crystals on the

seven main energy points of your body:

- above your pubic bone (base chakra)

- below your navel (sacral chakra)

- above your navel (solar plexus) in the middle of your chest (heart)

- at the bottom of your neck (throat)

- between your brows (third eye) just above your head (crown)

• Feel the sensation of each crystal on your body. Take the time to connect with the energies coming from each one.

• Allow yourself to drift into deep relaxation. You may even fall asleep.

• Lie there for as long as you need to. If the crystals begin to fall off after around 20-30 minutes or so, you'll know your body has had enough.

• Thank Holy Amethyst for all the energy that was shared and received.

• Take some time to come back to the room and the present moment. If you can, get outside and put your bare feet on the earth to ground yourself, or have a drink of water, or a small snack, or say a prayer


Working with Holy Amethyst will enrich your spiritual practice, bring understanding of past mistakes and help you discern the lessons that you are working through at this time. Here's a final prayer to help your connection with her:

"Holy Amethyst, Angel of Divine Alchemy, Priestess of the Violet Flame,

Thank you for enveloping me in your sacred light.

I am ready to step into the violet flame.

I release all of the energy that is standing between me and my greatness.

I am relieved of all fear and rejuvenated by love. Thank you for showing me the way to expand and elevate my energy. I am so grateful to have your support and direction.

And so it is!"

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