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  • Writer's pictureSOUL Keeper



The Holy Spirit is the essence of the divine. If you were to describe an angel as "a heartbeat of God", you could describe the Holy Spirit as "the essence of love that remains whole with that heart". In Christianity, the Holy Spirit is part of the holy trinity of God (Father, Son and Holy Ghost), but in other spiritual teachings, like A Course in Miracles, it isn't a presence that we look up to, it's something that's within us. I believe this is the most accurate description.

In my experience, the Holy Spirit is the holiest of angelic presences, an androgynous energy that helps us connect deeply with love. For me, it is the energy of life and light that binds all living beings together as one, and therefore is the presence that can help us understand the complexities of existing and connecting with others.

According to A Course in Miracles, the Holy Spirit mediates between illusion and truth. It's the essence that allows us to move beyond the illusion of fear or the illusions that our fear has created. It's the holiest light of truth and love that we can ever experience, an spect of our truest self- the self that's never separate from God.

Just like angels, the Holy Spirit is a formless being that can take form so that we can create a personal bond with it. When I see the Holy Spirit clairvoyantly, I see a bright white light that's completely otherworldly. It appears as a very tall, slender man with skin made of translucent light. It's almost as though he is wearing a cloak of even more light, but it's actually golden armour. It's as if he has wings, but he doesn't. His eyes are piercingly bright, and when you look directly at him, it's brighter than looking up at the sun on a summer's day.

When I close my eyes, the Holy Spirit is always there. I see pure brilliance that is immovable and strong, just waiting to support me.

In my heart I know that the Holy Spirit is real and that I am loved by him. All of the parts of myself or my life that I've lost faith in or don't give enough love to, the Holy Spirit has them covered. He's an incredible angelic presence that holds us all in the highest esteem and supports our experience of miracles. His twin flame is the Shekinah.


In the teachings of A Course in Miracles, there is no difference between the Holy Spirit and the inner teacher - they are the same voice. There are many names for the inner teacher - some people call it 'the soul voice' and others call it 'intuition'. It's that sacred voice of love that exists within us all, the voice that will support us and guide us to a life connected to the wholeness of love. Our role is to learn to listen to that voice.

I have come to see that in some way the voice of the e teacher is actually an echo of the voice of the Holy Spint to imagine the inner teacher as a hologram of the Holy Se within me. This initiates a personal experience and one tha allows me to really understand that it is my spiritual right know the Holy Spirit and to be led by him.

In my eyes, the Holy Spirit is the absolute love that alway knows what is best for us, the keeper of our divine plan believe our wishes and vision are taken into consideration in the formulation of this plan, but the Holy Spirit will orchestrate a better way forwards, should our intentions involve something that will hold us up or minimize our capacity to experience love. For this to happen, however, we need to welcome the Holy Spirit or give him permission to lead us. Our divine plan is something that can happen to us, but it's also something that can happen for us, and there's a real difference.

If you are wanting to develop a stronger connection to the Holy Spirit and hear the echo of his voice in that of your inner teacher or intuition, you can invite this loving presence to guide you through prayer. More on this in a moment.


I also see the Holy Spirit as the angelic essence that helps usher in mes for me a miracle is a change, it's a shift, it's the moment and conected and align it doesn't have to be a holy but it can be it can simply be a change in perception Sewlyng something differently or noticing love.

I find that welcoming in these shifts is important. Even if I what I need in order for a change to occur or the perception to happen, I can just call out to the Holy and welcome in the miraculous.

Have you already experienced a miraculous turn of events? The Holy Spirit can intercede in our life in the form of a dramatic Have you of events I often call this saving grace. It's when the Law of Grace allows spirit to help us for our highest good or knows what we're really asking for, even if we don't now how to. At such moments the Holy Spirit will sweep in and provide the relief guidance and support we need so that we can connue along our path while feeling completely aligned and the flow

For me the main purpose of a miracle is to help us know that we are never separate from God, or love. It's a moment to remember that nothing is too big or too complicated for God and the angels to figure out. It's a reminder that there is always a bigger force of energy and love that's just waiting to enter, and it's our willingness to accept it that allows it in. I believe that energy is the Holy Spirit.


If you'd like to invite in the Holy Spirit and be led by him, you just need to have that conversation. Now I know that many of you have been brought up in the Abrahamic traditions may be thinking, Who am I to speak directly to the Holy Spirit? | remember when I was going to church that "experiences" of the Holy Spirit seemed to be reserved for "special" people or elders of the church. That never sat well with me - the rebellious spirit inside me didn't like the idea that God was on a his love. And so my question to you is this: "Who are you not to speak directly to the Holy Spirit, and to channel him?"

I have come to understand - to really know - that God is so abundant, there are no limits to his love. It's constant, forever and always.

Not only that, I've come to see that this love isn't something we have to work for - it's our inheritance. So there's nothing you need to do in order to prepare yourself to receive or experience the Holy Spirit. It's just a case of being ready to accept the experience.

You were born of spirit. You are holy.

This reminds me of a powerful teaching in A Course in Miracles on the subject of purification. My dear friend the psychologist and author Robert Holden helped me find it. It's from the Text 14:4 and it says:

"In preparing for the holy instant, do not attempt to make yourself holy to be ready to receive it. That is but to confuse your role with God's. Atonement cannot come to those who think that they must first atone, but only to those who offer it nothing more than the simple willingness to make way for it!"

I once heard author Marianne Williamson say something along lines of the Holy Spirit's simple message being this:

"Do not try to purify yourself before coming unto me I am the purifier."

This is mega stuff. So often we try to prepare ourselves for a tual experience or even try and make ourselves even more tual in order to connect with the power of love and spirit But the Holy Spirit is with us always The Holy Spirit is with you standing by like an angel, ready to connect with you, and ail you need is the simple willingness to connect in return.


Dear Holy Spirit,

Thank you for entering my heart.

Even though you are already within me, you may enter, you may enter.

I am ready to know you like never before.

Thank you for speaking to me, through me and from me.

I am ready to hear your voice.

I am ready to know your essence.

I am ready to unite with you once more.

And so it is."

When I sat in a space to receive from the Holy Spirit (because I like you, am deserving of that communication) and asked if there was anything that he would like to share. I was made aware that the Holy Spirit is an energy of correction - a presence that can fix everything that has gone 'wrong'. When we are in a space o need, the Holy Spirit is ready, willing and able to come swooping in to lift us up and help us recover and understand what is occurring. When we are faced with a problem, a miracle is also there, waiting for us to invite it in to heal our perception.

I was made aware that we often feel it's our duty to figure everything out on our own or try to understand the lessons that are being presented to us. But love is here, and instead feeling as though something is happening to us, we can ask what is happening for us.

Here is the message I received:

"I am the Holy Spirit and you have nothing to prove.

You are here, fully, wholly and presently love. It is not your duty to correct everything that is wrong, it is


It is not your duty to carry the weight of the world upon your shoulders - let me take that from you.

My light and essence are here, within you always. Come to this moment and you will hear my voice.

Be still. Listen. I am here.

Like a compass, I will guide you in the direction you require in order to unite with your truth.

Surrender your need to control.

Surrender your need to know every step.

Surrender your need to fix and heal.

Let me take care of everything.

I am with you always."

Working with the Holy Spirit can help you:

• Make space for miracles

• Overcome fears that are holding you back

• Develop your connection to the "inner voice"

• Shift your perceptions

• Go beyond any limitations imposed on you by a religious background


"Thank you, Holiest Spirit of Light, for reminding me of your Presence.

I welcome your energy, support and guidance into my world.

Thank you for helping me overcome any setbacks I haven experienced. It feels good knowing that I can develop and nurture my own personal experience of spirit.

Thank you for correcting my internal vision and perception and for helping me see things as I need to! I am ready to be a living embodiment of the miraculous.

Thank you for touching my soul with your light so that I can have confirmation of your presence. Today I remember that I am worthy of seeing you for myself.

May all of these intentions act as a bring healing change to the world light and catalyst to

May my experience of your holiness be a demonstration others of what is also possible for them

Thank you for inspiring my life, my purpose and my push I choose now to be led by your guiding light.

And so it is."

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