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  • Writer's pictureSOUL Keeper



Mary is the divine mother of Jesus. She was given the title Queen of Angels' because when she went to heaven, she minued to have a strong connection with angels, especially Archangel Michael, as they are both connected to the blue ray of protection and strength.

Although Mary is closely associated with Christianity, in particular the Catholic Church, it is important to say that her energy is non-denominational. She has a special bond with mothers and children, but can be called upon by anyone. I feel that because so many people do acknowledge her and call upon her, thank her, and light candles to her, her energy is almost as powerful as that of the angels themselves.

She definitely has one of the purest hearts I've ever experienced. Every time I connect to her energy or see her in a session, I get highly emotional. Her energy is unconditional and loving, and her one wish for humanity is for us to find peace.

Don't if the past she won't hold it against you and will be willing to worry you haven't paid much attention to Mary in Support you from this point onwards.

I'll never forget some of the experiences I've had when I've connected to the Queen of Angels and felt her presence One them happened soon after I first learned about angels, at around the age of 15

At that time I used to do readings online for free. Every week I would meditate with my angel cards in hand and pic some to use for a weekly message. This particular day my mum was out at work when I did it. I welcomed in the angels and asked anyone else who can help' to come through with guidance for me to share.

As I sat there with my eyes closed, focusing on my breathing imagined a golden light swirling around me and protecting me As I did this. I imagined a rose opening up at my heart centre to represent my heart opening to love.

For some time I just sat in this powerful light, knowing I was connected to God and the angels. Then, out of nowhere, or so it seemed, felt a presence behind me. I instinctively knew it was female. The energy was so emotional and loving, every hair on my body stood on end. Then a voice began to give me the following message:

"Tell them, tell mothers and children, that I am here to protect them. Encourage them to trust in my love and trust in me. I will lead all those in need from danger and help them feel safe."

At first I was too busy remembering the message to think about who was relaying it to me, but then in my mind I saw an image of the Queen of Angels. She was draped in blue robes as depicted in traditional Catholic imagery and there was a golden aura around her. barely saw the colour of her skin or any more details, because her light was so strong. But I knew I had to share her message!

That was all very well, but how was I to do it? I was a 15-year-old kid - no one was going to listen to me, were they? First of all, I decided to tell my parents about my experience. My mum tried to protect me and wanted me to keep it to myself, but I felt I had to pass it on.

At the time my dad was friends with a lady who was a practising Catholic, so he asked her for advice. She told him that if I went to a local chapel they would record my message and share it. Supposedly there was a register of visitations from Our Lady,

My dad came to pick me up at my mum's house and took as she called her. me to a local chapel. The priest welcomed us into his home and began to ask me how Mother Mary had come to me. Had I invited her?

He wrote down the message, but at the end he said I was probably just dreaming. At the time I felt saddened - he wasn't respecting the message. Maybe it was something he already knew, but the Queen of Angels wanted to be called upon a lot more

In the years since then, I've shared that message with as many people as possible and have never felt it's been too late to do so. I feel that more and more people need to know of the support that angels and heaven can offer us. Now I have a platform to share the message; please share it with others.


Every time I have a case where a woman is being mistreated by her husband, partner or even child, I bring in Mary, Queen of Angels. When she comes into the space, it changes everything. She pours out her divine love and protection like an elixir of life.

Mary protects those who need to get away from domestic abuse and works tirelessly to lead them to safety. If you've suffered from anything like this, or know anyone who has, call on her for assistance. She works with Archangel Michael to bring extra protection to the situation and will help you cut the cords of fear that hold you back from making the change you need.

Here's a message from the angels for those dealing with domestic abuse:

"You always have a voice and you are asked to feel empowered today. It is time you left behind those old ways and moved forward fearlessly. If you work with us and the Queen of Angels, we will lead you to safety. Everything you need will be provided if you trust us and make the leap. Only you can do it, but we can help you - you aren't alone!"


Mary also comes to children, especially if they need protection from abuse or danger. She nurtures children who have suffered badly and wants them to be loved as they deserve.

Whenever I see a child who could really do with a boost of love, I thank Mary for going to them, for loving them and for helping them find peace.

Here's a prayer for sending Mary to a child:

"Mary, Queen of Angels, thank you for wrapping your light and energy around [child's name] and for gently guiding them to safety. They are protected and loved in your energy and I am so grateful you are there for them! Blessed be!"


Mary, Queen of Angels, has a strong connection to roses. Whenever I smell them, I think of her or know she is near. The rose is connected to the heart; it represents opening to divine and unconditional love everything that Mary stands for. By - working with roses, you will strengthen your connection to her.

I have my own candle range, and when I created a Mary, Queen of Angels candle, knew it had to be made with pure rose essential oil. have it burning as I write this book today.


There's something very powerful about lighting candles when you say your prayers. I always see it as a boost of energy, a dedication. A candle is something physical that can burn, extending the length of your prayer.

If you feel called to light candles in your home, or even in church, why not say this prayer in support?

"As I light this candle, I create a light in the world. I create peace within myself and allow this to be carried out into this planet.

Thank you, Mary, Queen of Angels, for sending your light of compassion, peace and love to all those who need it. I am so grateful you are the light that guides them to peace and surrender all I can to you, knowing your light will guide us

And so it is!"


Mary can help us with opening our heart to love, sending love and nurturing to a child and protection from domestic abuse.


Here's a prayer to welcome Mary's energy into your life:

"Divine Mary, Queen of Angels,

Thank you for bestowing your blessings upon my life. I open my heart to your nurturing light and energy.

Thank you for lovingly directing me,

So I can serve humanity just as you do.

I feel whole, strong and centred, full of deep inner peace,

Knowing you and your angels are with me.

And so it is!"

When I was looking through a collection of prayers to Maryof Angels, I found this traditional Catholic prayer to her:

"We turn to you for protection, Holy Mother of God. Listen to our prayers and help us in our needs. Save us from every danger, glorious and blessed Virgin."

I felt this was a beautiful prayer, but it was still seeking help in the future, and we know there's nothing more powerful than the present moment, so I have given it an 'angel prayers' revamp:

"Mary, Queen of Angels, thank you for hearing my prayers and helping us with our needs. I am so grateful for your protection and comfort at this time and feel so blessed to know your glorious light is with me!

And so it is!"


• Mary works with Gabriel on child, inner child and conception issues.

• She works with Michael to offer protection

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