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  • Writer's pictureSOUL Keeper



Ariel means "Lioness of God, and Archangel Ariel is a powerful angel of courage and strength. When you Connect with her energy, you should instantly feel uplifted and strong. When I clairvoyantly connect to Ariel, I see her as a tall black African Woman. She has a strong neck and shoulders, and her eyes are fiery red and orange. She has the most divine golden aura - it's as comforting as a warm fire in winter. Ariel may be strong, a warrior angel, but she's graceful, too. When she enters a room, she lights everyone up from the inside out.

Ariel is a great angel to connect to when you need to stand your ground and be assertive without losing your temper. Many people think that being assertive is "unspiritual," but if you continually get drawn into the negative side of situations, or say "Yes" when really you mean "No" then you're giving away your power. Sometimes you do have to stand your ground.

This is Ariel's message to you:

"It is safe for you to be powerful and to use your voice. Being clear about what you will accept in your life and what you won't is a very liberating process, when you a allow Someone to have a hold over you, you give them your power. I come to you in love and with a nudge of Support, encouraging you to take control. When you know you're safe, you absolutely are!".


Ariel is the angel of animals and has a particular bond with those who are wild or homeless she is brillant with domestic animals, too, and can hep us when it comes to lost pets, pets we can't understand and pet's who are unruly or afraid. When called upon she can bring great healing to animals. She is always around animal welfare activists, too, and is the voice that animals Sometimes dont have. I was asked by Ariel to remind you that pets and other animals feel loss, too, particularly when they have lived with a person or another animal for a long time and have experienced them making the transition to heaven. When you know of an animal going through something like this call on Ariel for help, because it can be very traumatic for them, especially because they can't tell you how they're feeling. When you're helping an animal through a difficult time, you can say affirmations for them and of course pray for support for them.

One of the things I do when I come into contact with animals that need some TLC, or just a pick-me-up, is put my hands on them if I can and say, "You are loved, you are safe, you are well!".


Many of us have an animal guide or guides who bring us support and messages. If you, like me, have that close bond with animals, work with Ariel, as she will open the doorway to the animal kingdom for you and help you to connect to your animal guide. I must say, though that when you do this, do be prepared to support, help and guide animals at random times in your daily life.


• Take a few deep breaths, breathing out a lot more than you breathe in.

• Imagine yourself being enveloped in a golden light from head to toe. Feel angels of light surrounding you. Then Say:

"Thank you, Archangel Ariel and animal guides, for coming close to me and for reminding me of your presence today! I am ready to connect to you!"

Close your eyes and go on an inner journey to a favourite place such as a beach, forest or castle. When you arrive, your animal guide will be waiting for you, along with a vision of Ariel.

• Ask your guide questions, thank it for showing you the way and connect with its essence. It will have so much to offer you.

• When you feel you have received the answers to your questions and have interacted with your animal guide, thank them for being with you and for serving their purpose. Retrace your steps one by one until you find yourself comfortably back in the physical world. Wriggle your fingers and toes and open your eyes!

• It's always great to have some water and something sweet to ground yourself after meditation work.


•BEAR: The bear represents taking a step back. You are to retreat with your thoughts and concerns. Just like a bear go into your cave, your safe place, such as your home and relax.

• CAT: The spirit of a cat brings so much. Cats lie around for hours thinking things through before they make a move, so if the cat is your guide you're being encouraged to really assess the pros and cons of your situation before taking action. Your intuition will guide you.

• DOG: The dog is the symbol of trust. As "mans bestfriend" the spirit of the dog helps you discern who is trustworthy and shows up when it's safe for you to trust.

• DOLPHIN: Dolphin's bring freedom and joy. Have fun, don't be too serious and make the most of all your experiences right now. If something is holding you back, release it!

• ELEPHANT: The elephant is a family guide. Elephants are selfless and strong and hold things together very well. when an elephant comes to you, you're being encouraged to connect to your family- they are your support.

• FOX: A master of plans and disguse, the fox can think on his feet and deal with situations quickly and safely. When a fox comes to you, he shows an obstacle being overcome.

• HARE: The hare represents the dreamer spirit. Your dreams, whether day or night dreams, are powerful connections to your higherself and to your future.

• LION: When a lion comes to you, you're being encouraged to stand your ground. Allow yourself to be strong like the lion, but remember to keep your cool as well.

• OWL: If you see an owl, you must connect to your inner wisdom and listen to what you already know, when you deny the truth, your ego is in control. Connect with your truth and allow the divine to direct you.

• SNAKE: This is a time for change! Snakes shed their skin every year to reveal a beautiful new silky body, when Serpent Spirit comes to you, shed your old skin!

• TIGER: You can't blend in, its time to be yourself! The tiger brings you the medicine to love and accept yourself. Begin to see any "flaws" as traits that make you unique. You are very much loved in heaven!

• TURTLE: The turtle is the guide who tells you to slow down, take your time and enjoy the journey. You may be impatient, but its important for you to relax. Breathe!

• WHALE: Whale and Orca energy is strong, vast and powerful. You are being given extra support to shine right now. You have so much to share, so you must believe in yourself.

• WOLF: The wolf is an instictive. animal who works well in a pack. You have drawn this guide to you because you're being encouraged to trust your

perceptions and your instinct. You already know what to do.


Archangel Ariel stands for a lot more than just the animal kingdom and the wild realms. She is also the angel who helps with sacred activism. I believe that she supports all those who feel called on to protect the Earth and her peoples. She is there with them on any sort of human or animal rights protest. Like a sacred spiritual lion, she wants to protect her cubs, and in her eyes that is anyone who feels the need to protect the lives of others.

Ariel can help us all figure out what we need to make a difference. That difference can be made from the comfort of our own surroundings but it can also be made out there on the front lines, standing up for what needs to be stood up for. Ariel helps provide the knowledge, capabilities and resources we need- and if we need more of them, she is the angel we must call on she assists those involved in education in diversity, gender, equal rights and LGBTQ awareness, and if any of these issues affect you directly, call on her for support in standing up for what is right. If these issues don't Impact you or inspire you, call on her for help in finding your cause. Here is her message:

"It's not always your role or calling to stand on the frontlines of sacred activism. It is, however, your role to become a protector of the Earth, her people and her animals. This planet is your temporary home and so it is important that you care for her as you would your own home. The people of this planet may not be your family, but it is important you treat and care for others as if they were your own family. You are here to be a family, to guard the Earth and to grow-it is important you remember this and do all you can with your actions, prayers and love".

If you are an activist or teacher who is educating others about the simple things we can do to be inclusive, loving and supportive of others, let Archangel Ariel be your guide. Imagine this sacred, fierce, loving lioness of God behind you protecting you as you embark upon this sacred and at times challenging journey. This choice you have made is also a calling and the angels are grateful for you and willing to support you every single step of the way.


Ariel can help us with any issues regarding animals welfare, including lost pets, finding an animal to adopt or help, healing animals and helping an animal settle into a new home. She can also assist with any issues regarding diversity, human rights, activism, environmentalism and work relating to the protection and welfare of humans, including those affected by racism or hate crimes.


Here's a prayer to welcome Ariels energy into your life:

"Ariel, Lioness of God,

Thank you for surrounding me in your golden light.

I welcome your strength and assertivenes

I feel warm and safe, knowing you are with me now.

Thank you for unlocking my courage and helping me to see clearly.

Surround me with your animal guides

I am free like the birds in the sky, like the lions in the wild.

Today I Soar high, unchained, assertive and at peace.

Thankyou, Ariel. I am the light, a as you are. I am ready to Shine!"


• Ariel and Azrael support animals when they are ready to cross over

• Ariel, Gabriel and Haniel are what I'd call Soul Sisters - three powerful female archangels who will help groups of women get along and grow together.

• Ariel and Michael provide us with the strength to be assertive and feel safe.

• Ariel works with Raphael to bring healing to the animal kingdom.

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