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  • Writer's pictureSOUL Keeper



The Myriam, which means "the beloved", are identical twin flame angels who come as one unit. They are mirror images of each other.

I first heard about these angels a few years ago when I was researching the story of Jesus and his connection to Mary Magdalene. I had always suspected that these two were more than just student and teacher, but I hadn't been sure about it Now I believe there's cold hard evidence within the gospels to show they were more than what we've been told.


Not long after his crucifixion, Jesus was laid to rest in a tomb. One early morning not long afterwards, Mary Magdalene went to visit it. Her plan was to tidy things up, change the sheets that covered the body and grieve. But when she approached Jesus's resting place, she noticed that the stone closing the entrance to the tomb had been moved. Concerned, Mary went inside the tomb. She noticed that Jesus's body had gone and instead two angels were there, one where Jesus's head had been and the other where his feet had been.

Mary sobbed and the angels comforted her, asking. "Why are you crying?" When she told them she was sad because Jesus's body had been moved, she felt a tap on her shoulder and heard her name being called. She turned around and was met by the presence of a risen, healed and whole Jesus.

I believe the angels Mary saw in that tomb that day were on a divine mission to help her heal from the grief of losing her teacher and partner. They were the angels I call "the Myriam". After they spoke to Mary, she was healed and had a direct and spiritual experience of Jesus. As told in the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, he went on to take her through some sort of spiritual training and pass on his special knowledge.

We don't have the full picture of who Mary was, but we do know from spiritual texts that she was a great visionary and teacher with clairvoyant abilities, because she was able to see angels and the soul of her twin flame, Jesus, after he had passed away. She also had the ability to shake up crowds of people and bring their hearts and minds back to the highest good.

She now devotes her time to supporting us in bringing about the radical changes the Earth needs in order to prosper, and to encouraging those who feel the need to teach the joy of spirit. She is a rebel heart in many ways - she helps those lightworkers who feel restricted by the opinions of others to step up and speak their truth.


Call on Mary Magdalene for help with:

• Stepping into a teaching role

• Awakening your sacred vision e moving through the process of loss and grief

• Understanding the miracle of forgiveness


It was during the writing of my fourth book, Wings of Forgiveness, that I encountered the Myriam myself. It was an experience I'll never forget. I had a lucid dream (when you awaken within the dreaming state) in which the Myriam appeared to me as two angels side by side, wearing cream-coloured linen cloaks and veils that looked somewhat like the hijab Muslim women wear. Though angels are androgynous, I would describe these as female in appearance. Their faces were pure light and their eyes were deep brown. I was struck by their sheer beauty. As they stood side by side it was as if they were in two circles, which then moved together to overlap, forming a vesica piscis, and in the centre appeared Mary Magdalene, with her loose chocolate coloured hair tumbling across her bright red robes.

Every hair on my body was standing on end. "Angelbumps" I would have been an understatement. I didn't feel scared, because I could feel the fierce love of all the angelic beings before me, but I was taken aback by their beauty and grace. I remember gathering myself enough to say, "Who are you and what would you like to share?"

The haunting words of the Myriam still flow through my mind to this day:

"We are the Myriam, hear our call.

We come to you in a state of grace.

We represent unified love and are the angels who came to Mary of Magdala, as told in the gospels.

With our light we can help you awaken a state of grace within.

It is time to leave behind all grief and fears of separation, for the light of Source is forever within.

That light is known as Christ.

It is the Holy Spirit and it is present within you now.

Welcome us and allow us to awaken your holy vision so you can perceive the light of Christ within you and all of humanity."

After I received this message, the angels and Mary Magdalene became one and vanished.

The visitation I received that day was epic. It helped me understand the gifts of the Myriam and that although they were personal guardian angels to Mary Magdalene, they are now offering their light and energy to the world.

These angels help us remember the divine love that is within us all. They can help us see through the cloud of grief that often descends over us in life and remember we are always connected to the Source of love and life.

What I also have come to see is that the Myriam are the angels who can help us awaken our sacred/holy vision and see the world through the eyes of Christ. When I refer to Christ, I do mean Jesus, but I also mean more than Jesus. I believe that Jesus was a man and a vehicle for an energy called Christ. Christ energy is a powerful unified energy and the remembrance of the presence of love. When you see through the eyes of Christ, you see the world through the eyes of love. It's a way of entering the glorified state of being where you move beyond grief and loss and ultimately enter a state of full forgiveness.

As I put it in Wings of Forgiveness:

"In order for us to move through forgiveness, grief has to be lifted from our heart, too. Grief is something we all know. It's that emotion that comes over us when we feel alone and forgotten. It's the heart-wrenching fear that tries to convince us that we're never going to be the same again. Fortunately, it's a complete illusion and the truth rests silently within us and is just waiting to welcome us back. Angels are ready to guide us there.

When grief is lifted, forgiveness becomes easier because then we can see light for what it is, and that's when we see spirit. To do this, we need to forget the feeling of separateness that haunts us all and remember love. The angels that Surround us are a constant source and reminder of love.

They whisper gently into our soul and they encourage us to listen. They want us to know that we're never separate from those we love. In some deep inner silence, we are connected to everyone be We are and everything that ever has been and ever will everything. We are love.

It's when we remember love that we're reminded of it even more. That's why people who believe in angels experience them more or receive reminders of heaven: because they've chosen to remember that it's there.

The holy vision that the Myriam angels offer us is the removal of the blindfold. They are here to shake us from our worst nightmare and bring us home. These divine guardian angels of Mary Magdalene help us to heal so we can perceive holiness in all."


The story of Mary Magdalene seeing Jesus completely healed is a powerful allegorical story, because it refers to something we'll all encounter in one way or another. We'll all feel separate from what we love at some point in our life and it will take deep dedication to remember that we're not separate at all. The great thing is that there is help.

If you're ready to heal any grief or grievances in your life, it means you're ready to move past the fear that what you love can be taken from you. When you're ready to heal from this nightmare emotion, you move into the realization that you are one with what you love remember that within the silence of your heart awaits the connection to home, to all those who have departed from this Earth and to those who feel distant through time and space, and it is then that you perceive your holy spirit, or what the Myriam call "Christ".

The Myriam help us to look beyond grief, guilt and fear. They help us to awaken the vision of grace and remember that we are never separate from God, for the light of Christ is within us all - an inner consciousness that is holy and always will be.

Call on the Myriam to:

• deal with the loss of a loved one

• heal from any guilt or fear that's left after a passing

• overcome any deep-rooted emotions connected to feeling separate from God, angels or spirit

• awaken the vision of grace (so you can perceive light in others, too)

• honour your inner divinity


"Divine Holy Angels of Mary Magdalene, pure white beings known as the Myriam, I call on you now.

I am ready and willing to remember the silence of love that awaits within the cave of my heart. Thank you for awakening within me the state of grace in which you bless others and for helping me see life through the eyes of love At this time I step into my spiritual power and recharge the senses that help me to see, Let my eyes see the light in all of humanity.

I recognize that on a physical level I may not experience the connectedness that sleeps within me and I choose now to go beyond the limitations of my body and of the Earth so that I can clearly see that love at a deeper level.

As I embrace the gifts that I have come to this world with, my body begins to accept them and I begin to embody the truth and light that I am.

I am never separate from those I love - I am forever with them in mind, body and soul. I am love.

May this initiation be completed as I surrender to your capable light.

And so it is!"

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