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  • Writer's pictureSOUL Keeper



The Shekinah is the twin flame of the Holy Spirit. Although both of these energies are fully spiritual and androgynous in essence, they present themselves as male and female, and the Shekinah is the female aspect of the God-particle. She is the She-ness of creation energy, and is more of an "essence" than a being, but she has the capacity to show "herself" in ways that we will understand.

I first learned about the Shekinah when I was studying the Jewish traditions concerning angels. I have now come to understand that most of the teachings on angels stem from these traditions. I remember reading that the Shekinah appeared as some sort of smoke or vapour that could enter into people and deliver incredible miracles. I realized what the great rabbis of the past were trying to describe was what we today would call "energy" and "entity". Within the Gnostic gospels, the Shekinah appears in many forms; most notably she is the voice of Thunder Perfect Mind and is also described as "the Sophia of Jesus Christ".

When I first saw her in meditation, she appeared as gorgeous pink and purple energy with gold sparkles moving through it. As it came closer, I saw a face appearing within it. It was that of a stunning woman with deep brown skin and eyes that were as deep as the night sky and kind, sweet and fiercely loving. Her hair was long, dark and moving all around her. Around her neck was a golden dove necklace that also served as a breastplate.

I now know that when she is close, a sweet perfume I now like honey and summer fills the air. She is warm. Fearless. Unstoppable. I believe the world needs her more than ever.


What I also remember about first seeing the Shekinah was knowing that her energy was extremely important, because not only did she represent a holy aspect of God, but she represented a female aspect, and this is something that has not been given enough credit in Abrahamic religions and spiritual pathways. But now we are in an extremely important time when the world is beginning to reconnect with feminine energy.

For far too long there has been an imbalance of energy on our planet, an excess of masculine energy that has resulted in much destruction. Masculine energy is active and therefore reactive. That means it is always "doing" and not taking enough time to consider "being" or, the most important, "receiving". Feminine energy has the capacity to receive, which is about gathering and connecting energy instead of burning it out. Think of a pregnant woman - she has the incredible ability to host a baby and look after both its needs and her own. During that extremely precious time she is extremely powerful yet completely vulnerable. I believe this is a mirror of the true essence of spirit. Right now on the planet there are too many men making decisions and too many destructive decisions being made. In order for divine balance and healing to unfold on the Earth, masculine energy has to be toned down a little in order for the feminine to fully rise up.

Every one of us has both masculine and feminine energy within us - I believe now is the time to allow them to meet as equals.

The Shekinah and Holy Spirit stand as equals both have the sacred mission to support the healing of the planet so that we can move into a more loving, conscious and supportive way of being. The Shekinah's sacred mission is to help us all reclaim feminine energy. Feminine energy isn't about make-up, glitter and all the girly things you may first think. It is our capacity to receive, surrender and move into a more caring, compassionate way of being, not just towards each other as humans, but towards the Earth and all of her inhabitants.


I believe there's a shift happening on the Earth right now and it's happening through people. More than ever, powerful women are rising up and having the power to lead. We're seeing more same-sex relationships. We are also seeing a wider expression of gender and sexuality. We're seeing people reclaim the sex and they believe we're seeing the miracle of transgender, gender-neutral and everything in between. I believe all of this is best seen through the spiritual lens. It isn't to cause a divide. I believe it has a divine purpose: it's to give us a deeper understanding of love.

Love is non-binary - it's an energy that cannot be limited to of described just by a relationship between a man and a woman. It's an energy that goes beyond sex, gender, skin colour, religious preference and location. It exists within every single being upon this planet, and it's there for us to experience.

This is an opportunity for us all to express who we are - not what we think others want us to be. It's an emergence of truth.

It's also a rebalancing. Right now, we're seeing an unearthing of where the world has got it wrong and created imbalance and division. We're hearing the voices of people who have spent lifetimes suffering because the colour of their skin was different from what was considered normal in the society in which they lived. We're seeing people of colour share what needs to be shared and show us how we can understand and change so that we can make the Earth a more loving and accepting place for everyone.

And although all of these people have endured suffering, pain and mistreatment in ways we we can never fully understand, I believe that it is our duty (at the very least) to listen and learn how we can support them. It is our duty to go beyond any kind of prejudice and make the world an equal one for all.

That's what the Shekinah represents: she represents our capacity to witness a person being their truest, most authentic self and to accept it. She represents our capacity to accept

ourselves, and fully embrace ourselves, the world and everyone within it.

It's simpler than you might think - but it starts with the willingness to listen, and that requires us to stop talking and be present.

Here's a prayer to help:


"Holy Shekinah, thank you for drawing close to me and for showing me how I can be a greater ally in the healing of the world.

Thank you for guiding me to those who need to be heard and for showing me how I can support their reclamation of power and trust in the world.

I am ready to be aware of my brothers and sisters on the planet and to be present for them.

Where I was once blind, I am ready to see. Where I was once deaf, I am ready to hear.

Where I was once ignorant, I am ready to be enlightened. Thank you for helping me support equality, thank you for helping me support the overcoming of division. Thank you for showing me how I can be a greater vessel of love.

I welcome your guidance and mentorship.

And so it is!"


If there's one thing I've learned about the Shekinah, it's that she represents our most sacred self. She helps us remember our gifts, talents and essence. She helps us reclaim the parts of ourselves we've forgotten or left behind.

She also helps us see that what we remember and reclaim - but it starts with the us to stop talking and be offering up to the world. What we o for ourselves is often an offering of love to the world. Every reclamation of ourselves is what we are remembering their gifts is creating a space and tform for others to reclaim and remember their gifts too.

You can call upon the Shekinah to help you pursue a calling or express a gift or talent you feel is important for your growth. If you are feeling ready, reach out to the energy of the Shekinah. Let her come to you and move through you so that her essence can awaken the passion and sacredness that lie within the very cells of your being. You can do it in your own time and your own way but I highly recommend movement, dance and anything to do with letting go - the Shekinah has a real love for those taking time to unleash the joy within. When I'm feeling the need to connect with her energy, I put on really loud music that makes me feel that I can move and dance without the need to conform in any way. I invite her into my heart and I begin to dance, swing, shake and swirl. As I move, I have a strong vision the Shekinah's energy uniting with mine and cocooning me in a sacred bubble of light, so that for those moments at least I can be myself, fully and unreservedly, without worrying about the outside world. It's just me, my spirit and the spiritual supporters who are witnessing me from the angelic realm.

Work with the Shekinah to:

• Overcome inequality and division

• Understand diversity and race issues

• Listen and be present

• Offer support to those who need support

• Remember your gifts and talents


"Divine Holy Shekinah,

Thank you for uniting with my energy.

I welcome your sacred energy into my heart so that I can identify within myself the deepest aspects of my love and the gifts I have to share.

Thank you for helping me connect with myself in ways I may not have previously been able to do. I am ready to see myself fully and wholly.

I welcome your mentorship in how I can be a greater source of inspiration, passion and light to the world. I am ready to take the steps towards my own personal mastery.

I am grateful that your sacredness is leading and inspiring me.

I accept your love - for myself and for the world.

And so it is!"

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