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  • Writer's pictureSOUL Keeper



Chamuel is the Archangel of love and purpose. His name means "He who sees God" and he is one of the seven major archangels. He is a tall, handsome angel hair and blue. with light blonde a ruby aura. His eyes are piercing blue.

When I began to work with Chamuel, I was aware that he came straight to my heart. When we welcome his energy, he helps us open our heart so that we can receive the love and Support we deserve. He knows that we all just want to be happy.

One of his most important roles is to help us move from our ego into our heart. A lot of the time we seek happiness outside ourselves - in our Career, relationships, material possessions and so on. Chamuel is here to help us discover that the happiness we seek is within.

"He who sees God" also helps us to see the divine inside ourselves. If we accept this and constantly remind ourselves of it, everything in the outside world will reflect it back to us.


"Your life is a reflection of how. view yourself. Everything external to you you is indeed connected to However if you you Seek happiness outside yourself, you'll lose your sense of rhythm and purpose. I am here to support you on your journey to love. This may it is what not feel like an easy journey, but you remember who through your chose. Work with me and you really are. Love circulates whole body and is coming straight from your true heart: your soul!"


Chamuel helps restore our sense of purpose. Most of us like to know what our role is - What we are supposed to do, Who we are supposed to be. Our ego will tell us that our purpose is to be this, that and the next thing. It will also tell us. that we have to make a certain amount of money, that we need to rush and that We're running out of time. What can we do?

Trust divine timing, focus with and, most importantly, remember to breathe. There's no pressure to find your purpose. You are a being of divine origin, and if you continually focus on this and Surrender to heaven, God will direct you.

By Serving and supporting others, remembering your divine origins, focusing on love and allowing God's will to direct you, you are living your purpose!


Another important part of life is finding Someone to share it with. Many people with spiritual mindsets aren't fulfilled in this sector of their lives and wonder why. It all goes back to Chamuel's message above: "Your life is a reflection of how you View your self" I always feel that it is our recognition that we deserve a relationship that will create one. Remembering the love. Within us and focusing on it will allow others to see it, too.

Thinking about this, I began to wonder What the difference was between a Soul mate and a twin flame, so I asked the angels for an answer. This was it:

"You can have more than one soul mate in a lifetime, but a twin flame is a soul Who spends many lifetimes with you. These are the souls who help you feel complete, 100 per connected and strong. A twin flame is a Soul who will reflect to you the love you for them and, of course yourself. It is important to say that a twin flame doesn't always have to be a lover. It can be a child who comes to remind you what love is, or it can be a parent who is completely Supportive of you".


If you feel you've had a perfect relationship but heaven, don't your partner has gone to Worry - this person is still with you. When our soul mates. go to heaven, it becomes their duty to support us and love us unconditionally. They will be there for in us and in many cases will send us another partner who will bring us great happiness, often one who is very similar to them.

Angels want you to know that if you've lost a spouse and feel guilty for moving on with a new partner, it won't be held against you. It was probably divinely guided. Your partner in heaven approves, and loves and supports you. Please know they want. you to be happy.


In feng shui, the oriental art of placement, the far right-hand comer of your home when you come in the front door is linked to your love life and relationships.

When I've been to bless the home of Someone Who isn't fulfilled in love Ive

usually found dust and clutter in this Section of the house. If you're looking to improve your love life, assess this part of your living space. Does it have anything that represents love at all? clear this space out, dust it, make sure it looks clean and place an item there that reminds you of love - a perhaps a photo of your parents' Wedding, a rose quartz crystal, a romantic picture such as "The Kiss" by Gustav Klimt, or red or pink roses.


Chamuel encourages us to see only love in our lives. So many of us are drawn to the negative side of situations, myself included. But when we begin t begin to work with Chamuel, he will help us see love in every situation.

If Someone is acting insanely towards us, its our job to reflect how we would like to be treated. Most of us are angry in a situation like this, continually relive it in our minds and even grind our teeth! But remember the Law of Attraction! Were bringing everything we think about into our life. so, if we want to begin changing a situation, we need to release it completely, bless it with love and let it go.


Sending love to a situation is really simple and Works wonders. All you have to do is think of the situation and imagine it surrounded by a light that reminds you of love. (I always Imagine the whole situation and everyone involved, even the building, Surrounded by a bright ruby-pink light) Then Say:

"Thank you, Archangel Chamuel and angels, for holding this situation, anyone involved and me in a space of love.

God, I surrender it to you and God knowing you will do the best for everyone's highest good!

And so it is!"

You may need to do this more than once, but keep it up and you can change a fearful situation into a loving one. Chamuel also" sees God" and means "love" that means he sees love in everyone. He can help us to do this, too, and to move away from judgement and criticism. If we're drawn into criticizing others, all we're doing is sending out a wave of judgemental energy. And if you know anything about the seo, you'll know the tide always comes back in!

A course in Miracles Says: "Exempt no one from your love or you will be hiding from a dark place in your mind." and it's absolutely true. By withholding your love from others, by not forgiving them or having negative thoughts about them or not accepting them, you're allowing your ego to run the show. And by hiding from a dark place in your mind, you're not allowing the light in and are creating a barrier between yourself and God.

The course goes on to say: "By not offering total love you will not be healed Completely" and what it's saying here is that you're not holding any one back but yourself, when we exempt others from our love and accepta, we're holding. ourselves back from being healed. Being healed means having no fear, no ego. and living a life of love where everything is abundant. So, work with Chamuel to See the best in others with this short prayer:

"Thank you, Chamuel, for encouraging me to see the divine in myself and others. As I recognize the divine in everyone, a Wave of love washes over my life that creates blessings and abundance.

And so it is!"


Chamuel can help us with finding our life purpose, finding a Soul-mate relationship, sending love to a situation and seeing love in others.


Here's a prayer to welcome Chamuel's energy into your life?

"Loving Chamuel, Thank you for surrounding my life with your ruby aura so that I can remember the most important lesson: that only love is real.

It feels so good knowing I'm opening up my heart to receive the love and blessings I know I deserve. By connecting with your essence, I begin to see the divine in myself and in everyone around me. I now create a wave of love and good intentions that I send out into the world under the Law of Grace. I know this. Wave will return to its sender tenfold, So I continue to bless others and myself.

Thank you, Chamuel, for perceiving the love inside me. I now open my eyes and See it clearly my self!

And so it is!".


• Chamuel works with Michael to help. us discern if our partner is being truthful.

• Chamuel and Raguel bring harmony and peace to a conflict.

• Chamuel works with Raphael to help us see love in a situation.

• Chamuel and Sandalphon can help us intuitively find our soul mate on Earth.

• Chamuel and Uriel help us in our career and business.

• Chamuel has a twin flame, Charity, and they work together to bring patience, love and trust to all those who call on them.

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