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  • Writer's pictureSOUL Keeper



Gabriel is the ultimate nurturing angel. She is a beautiful, curvaceous angel who has a really caring nature. She is described in the Bible and the Koran as male, but I've always seen her as female. In fact, as the angel of mothers, it makes complete sense that she'll appear as female. When you look at angel artwork, especially older work, you'll see that Gabriel's gender is always hard to define.

When I see her, she looks similar to the famous pop singer Adele. She has beautiful deep blue eyes, a heart-shaped face, and auburn hair that wraps around her. Her wings are pure pearlescent white. Although it is said that she is the keeper of the white ray, always see pink and yellow sparkles around her. The white ray is a spiritual symbol of purification and grace. It is something we can consciously bring into our energy for purification and balance. You may have connected with this ray if you've visualized yourself being covered in a pure white light. In my eyes, the white ray helps us connect with the most divine part of ourselves: our soul. It helps us act from the heart, with integrity.

Gabriel's name means "Strength of God", and she is said to be the archangel who visited Mary, Queen of Angels, to give her the news that Jesus was on his way. Gabriel, or Jibra'il, as she's known in Islam, is also said to have channelled the Koran to the prophet Mohammed. She is the bringer of good news, so every time she appears in a reading know that good things are about to happen.

It is said that she plays a trumpet, and when it is blown, the doors to heaven open. I always see this as a metaphor for creating heaven on Earth. One of the most amazing things about working with angels is that they help us create a divine life filled with blessings. When we welcome Gabriel, she brings an abundance of good energy and celebration into our life.

As Gabriel is the bringer of good news, she's also very closely connected with communication. When we call on her, her energy will wrap around us, allowing us to feel safe so we can communicate our truth.


"By speaking your truth, you are sharing your light and aligning yourself with the presence of God. When you lock in your concerns, fears and setbacks, you are clogging up the spiritual centres that allow light to move through you. Welcome me and the angels I work with to boost your strength and your ability to speak up without fear!"


As the angel of mothers, Gabriel looks after our inner child, too. The inner child is the big kid in each and every one of us. So many of us forget about this child, though, or feel that we missed out on a lot in our childhood. If there are things from your childhood that you feel are holding you back, Gabriel can help you to heal them and move forward.

When I have done inner-child work on myself, I've always found it helpful to connect with the child via visualization.


• Imagine yourself as a child running through a field filled with daisies, or any other flower that reminds you of your childhood.

• As you run, see yourself having the best time - giggling, laughing and enjoying being free.

• Waiting in the distance is a tall female angel with au floating in the wind. You can see her full body and smelle sweet perfume.

• As you reach this angel, feel her embrace you. She wraps to only her arms but her whole energy around you. You feel safe in her bubble of light.

• Enjoy this loving, nurturing light before allowing it to extend to people from your childhood who bothered you, incidents that still haunt you or anything else that you feel has affected you. Don't be surprised if random events you thought you'd forgotten about come to mind the angels will show you what you need to see.

• When you feel you've done all you need to at this time, thank Gabriel, go back through the field and open your eyes!


"Dear Archangel Gabriel,

Thank you for surrounding my inner child in your nurturing light and for helping it find peace.

I take this opportunity to tell my inner child that it is safe and loved and that nothing can come between it and the love it deserves.

As I nurture this divine and innocent part of myself, I heal my heart, I heal my soul. I open my mind and I'm able to see with new eyes.

I now reach out into the wonder of life, knowing Gabriel's light is guiding me.

And so it is!"


Gabriel can help with conception, too. She can work with you to ensure your body is healthy enough to create a baby. She protects women when they're pregnant and helps them to be strong if there are any setbacks.

Here's a prayer to assist with manifesting a baby. Remember that when you're focusing on creating something, you speak as if it has already happened. This allows you to really align your body with your prayers.

"Divine angels and Archangel Gabriel, thank you for surrounding me with your light and supporting me at this time.

It's a joy to be a woman and bring life-force to this planet.

I feel so blessed holding this bundle of joy in my arms!

And so it is!"


Gabriel can help us with creating good news, opening up and speaking our truth, healing any childhood issues and conceiving and supporting an unborn baby.


Here's a prayer to welcome Gabriel's energy into your life:

"Archangel Gabriel,

Strength of God, bearer of good news,

Thank you for supporting me as I open up and speak my truth.

I feel strong and empowered, knowing you are with me as I speak with integrity.

As you connect with me, I begin to see through the eyes of my inner child.

I begin to follow my joy and live with happiness.

I feel nurtured and know I am loved!

And so it is!"


• Gabriel, Ariel and Haniel help groups of women get along and grow together.

• Gabriel works with Mary, Queen of Angels, who can also help with children, conception and inner-child issues.

• She can also work directly with Michael so that we can feel protected and speak our truth.

• Gabriel also has a twin flame, Hope. They work together to bring light, truth and acceptance to the world.

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