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  • Writer's pictureSOUL Keeper



Jeremiel is a miracle worker. He is a brilliant archangel who helps us undertake an inventory of our life so that we can fix, remove or change anything that isn't serving us.

Jeremiel has a tall and slender body. He is a gentle angel but holds a torch representing illumination. His aura is bright orange and gold, the colours of passion and spiritual insight. He has shoulder-length golden hair and golden skin. His eyes are the deep blue of the night sky. He wears a cloak of wisdom.


Jeremiel is said to have given people tours of heaven. I feel that his presence helps us create heaven on Earth.

His name means "God's mercy", and "mercy" can mean a few different things. It can mean forgiving someone and being compassionate about a situation, but it can also mean living a life of service and being charitable towards others. So many of us are easily drawn into "What do I want?" or "What do I need?" whereas Jeremiel's energy helps us ask the question: "How can I be of service?"

When we connect with Jeremiel, he will help us make the positive changes that we need in order to live a life of fulfilment.

I feel that Jeremiel always comes with a real sense of reassurance. He helps us find inner peace, especially if we've been through a lot of turbulence.

Here's the message received from Jeremiel:

"You're always okay, because God has never left you. I want to reassure you that you can change your pathway. Reviewing your life is important because then you can allow yourself to be honest and focus on the life you are really here to live. If you are ready to forgive others, and ultimately yourself, and acknowledge any painful situations as illusions, you are free."

What Jeremiel is saying here is very important: he's inviting us to turn our regrets and grievances into illusions. They arise from a state of fear, and only love is real. When we acknowledge this and forgive, we set ourselves free, and open our heart to the miracles of heaven.

Take some time to meditate on your life and say the following prayer:

"Thank you, Archangel Jeremiel, for helping me to recognize the illusions in my life as I prepare to set myself free!"

Then allow yourself to review some of the things in your life that you feel are holding you back. Are you hanging on to grievances or holding grudges? Go straight to the situation involved and say:

" You are not real. You are an illusion. Only love is real!"

Do this until you feel that you've let go of everything you no longer need and have made room for miracles and what I like to call "the good stuff”.


The miracle mindset is when we expect miracles instead of dreading the future. One of Jeremiel's biggest messages is that if we allow our minds to meet God, then it is impossible for us to let fear in, so our lives will be free of setbacks and full of miracles.

Working with Jeremiel, we will become more aware of the actions that create illusions and disharmony in our lives and can learn to avoid them completely. If we feel ourselves slipping back into the old ways, we can just say this little affirmative prayer:

"Thank you, God and Jeremiel, for entering into my mind and highlighting the miracles in my life.

It feels so good to live a life filled with mercy!

I am a light and I know I am loved!"


Jeremiel can help us with reviewing our lives, living a life of service and mercy, recognizing the illusions that hold us back, forgiving others and having a miracle mindset.


Here's a prayer to welcome Jeremiel's energy into your life:

"Jeremiel, Angel of Mercy, Server of the Light,

Thank you for entering my energy and awakening the miracles within.

I allow my illusions to be shown to me in visions and dreams.

As I acknowledge these illusions, I release them.

I remember the divine spark of love that is within me.

I acknowledge that this love connects me to all that is.

Forgiveness is a natural part of who I am.

I am free, I am merciful.

And so it is!"


• Jeremiel and Jophiel encourage us to have a positive mindset.

• Jeremiel works with Zadkiel on forgiveness and mercy.

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