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  • Writer's pictureSOUL Keeper



Jophiel was the archangel who guarded the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden. She is strongly associated with nature e name means "God's beauty", and one of her main purposes in is to help us see the beauty of the world around us.

I always see Jophiel looking similar to a Hawaiian woman Ste has that gorgeous bronze skin and those deep chestnut-brown eyes, and her hair is long, dark and flowing. She moves very gracefully. Sometimes I see her carrying a star in her hand, and sometimes it sits on her forehead. She reminds me of the pop star Nicole Scherzinger, who is a Hawaiian goddess herself.

Jophiel is one of my favourite angels. She comes in like a breath of fresh air and encourages us to release monkey chatter from our mind and clutter from our home. If your home has at of tired, stuck energy in it, open all your windows and let the air in. If you feel that you're being tied down by work or that your creative flow is blocked, get outside and breathe deep fresh air into your lungs. Jophiel will help you!

What's great about Jophiel is that there's no messing around with her. She gets straight to work and has a real sense of assertiveness. She'll help us wake up and listen, she'll point out the clutter that's holding us back and she'll encourage us to slow down and appreciate the beauty in our lives right now.

This reminds me of the saying "it's not about where you're going, or where you've been, it's about - looking at that view!"

That totally made sense. So many of us are too busy thinking about what's happening next on our schedule or remembering what has happened to us in the past to take in the beauty that's right in front of us. Jophiel helps us focus on the present moment.


"Pause for a second and take a deep breath. As you exhale, you are releasing old patterns from your mind and body. Work with me to beautify your inner self, to recognize your inner light and to build the confidence to share it. You may not feel adequately prepared for all of your future endeavours, but your divine self, your soul, that infinite spark within you that never ceases to be is prepared for everything. It is time, friend, to share your light with this planet. I will help you!"


Jophiel can really help us have confidence and silence the voice of doubt and fear the voice of the ego - especially if we're about to do some spiritual work such as angel card readings, Reiki or meditation.

If you're one of those people who constantly doubts the spiritual information they receive, then Jophiel is your woman. She'll bring the confidence to allow you to trust. If you ask her, she'll also help you to distinguish between the voice of spirit and the voice of ego so that you can further your spiritual development.


Jophiel is the beauty of God, but beauty is within us, too. As we welcome Jophiel into our lives, she'll help us to be comfortable in our own skin and truly appreciate ourselves. Our body is our physical shell, and it's also the home of our mind while we're here. Jophiel's energy will declutter both body and mind so that we can dispel the barriers of fear and see the beauty in ourselves.

She will also help us to discover our soul's truth. As we connect with this truth, we'll align our whole life with love, with God and with our purpose. And nothing is more important than that.

One of the affirmations that Jophiel brings through is simple:

"I am the beauty of God!"

Say this affirmation at every available opportunity for two weeks and see how your life changes and how others view you.


Jophiel can help us with clearing clutter and old energy, silencing the voice of the ego, discovering our inner beauty and aligning our lives with love.


Here's a prayer to welcome Jophiel's energy into your life:

" I breathe deeply and fill my core with fresh clean air.

As I exhale, I release the clutter of my mind and body. Doing this, I allow myself to see and hear more clearly.

Thank you, Jophiel, for supporting me as I discover my inner beauty,

And for silencing the voice of my ego so that I can clearly hear God.

I feel so alive knowing your wings are taking me forward.

And so it is!"


• Jophiel works with Jeremiel on encouraging us to have a positive mindset.

• Call on her and Raziel to deepen your awareness and still the mind in meditation.

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