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  • Writer's pictureSOUL Keeper



Orion's Belt is the planetary retreat of a new archangel who is now making his energy available to our planet. This archangel brings new information for a new world and helps us connect with the cosmos so that we can understand our special place in the universe.

Archangel Orion is a vast angel who appears as a handsome figure made up of stars, looking down upon us from above. His aura is like the night sky, with deep blues, indigos and glints of light shining through it.


How learned about Orion is a story in itself. At the start of 2012, my angels kept telling me about a new archangel who was making himself known to the planet. I was really excited about this.

Then in June my publishers welcomed me to London for the launch of my first book and gave me some tickets to a workshop with Doreen Virtue. I was thrilled, because Doreen has been a great inspiration to me and, as I mentioned, I use her cards every day!

During one of Doreen's meditations, we were encouraged to ask our angels what we needed to know about 2012 and our own lives. In my head I just kept hearing "Orion" over and over again. That night. lying in bed, I was thinking about this when I heard in my mind. "Orion is the new archangel you are to work with!"

Though very excited, I was also a little unsure about this - after all, why me? After thinking it over, the next day said out loud, "Well, Orion, if you're real and want to work with me, you'd better send me a sign then!" Charming, I know, and I wasn't even getting his name right-the funny thing is I was saying it as in the chocolate cookies Oreos, except with an "n" on the end.

A week later I had a book-launch party, and as a surprise, my mum asked a cake-maker to create 100 cupcakes for me. They came with stars on them with "Kyle"

embossed on them and mini Oreo cookies on top. I laughed and thought, Orion, is this a sign? If so, I want you to bring something even better!

The party was a great success, with 150 friends, family members, colleagues and clients celebrating with me, and even bringing presents. When I went to my room that night in the hotel, I thought Id open a couple!

With my close friends around me, I started to look through them. There were some lovely gifts, and I was really moved when I opened up one to find a client who had become a good friend had named a star in my honour. I was close to tears as I read that It was in the southern hemisphere in the part of the sky near... yes, you guessed it, Orion!

I knew then that Orion certainly was here to help our planet adjust archangel and that he to the new energy.


Like Chamuel, Orion can also help us when it comes to finding our life purpose. When I first began meditating and connecting to his energy. here's what came through:

Your life purpose doesn't define you - you're defined by love. Love is the only part of you that's real and will continue to exist when your human body is gone. Just because you have to create abundance to live doesn't mean that your career defines your life purpose. Your life purpose is to remember that you're an essence of love. If you can align every thought, action and deed with love, you're living your purpose. Nothing is more important than that.'

Orion encourages us to align our purpose with compassion, love and trust. When we do this, we begin to manifest various opportunities to serve. Instead of questioning what's going to happen next, we surrender and move with the flow of energy that is coming through us.


Orion's energy governs the stellar gateway chakra, which is found 12 inches above the head. This energy is not only a chakra but a Milky Way of opportunity! It helps us access wisdom from our angels and guides and see our way forward. Here's how to connect with it:


• Breathe deeply and just focus on your breath for a few moments, allowing your exhale to be longer than your inhale.

• As you relax more and more, imagine a Milky Way of energy aboveyour head. See it swirling like a galaxy.

• As you connect with this deep stillness, allow yourself to move into this galaxy. See and feel yourself suspended in time and space as you connect to all that is.

• While you are there, you may want to say something along the lines of:

"Thank you, universe and angels, for revealing to me what I need to know!"


"Thank you, God, for reminding me of my true purpose!"

I have always found this type of meditation to be very deep. Whenever I've led students to the stellar gateway chakra, I've always given them time to connect with their deep inner guidance. Remember to trust what you receive if you are in this place, because by focusing on deep but gentle breathing, you are aligning your energy with the divine, and the ego cannot interrupt you.


When we begin to work with Orion's energy we begin to open what are known as our ethereal angel wings!These represent our work and our connection with the angels. When we with them, we break through boundaries and are free. Spreading our wings is a powerful moment. When our wings we connect are retracted, we allow ourselves to be affected by outside influences, and our false perceptions and other people's insanity can hold us back. When we open our ethereal angel wings, it's as if we break the mould. I always imagine it as wings breaking through plaster or papier mâché - they open up and fly free.

In most of the meditations I do, I encourage my students to visualize themselves with wings just like their angels, open and stretched out upwards. It always makes them smile!

As a student of yoga, I'm also aware of how physical exercises can support our growth. always see yoga as prayer in movement. go to a local class and say my prayers and affirmations all through my practice. From my practice, I've come up with this little sequence to help you open your ethereal angel wings. It's really helpful, especially if you're non-visual.

• Stand barefoot if you can, with your feet hip-width apart. Have the soles of your feet completely flat on the ground. Gently push your feet into the ground and apart, as if you are separating tiles on the floor.

• Place your hands together in the prayer position at your heart centre.

• Touch your heart, your throat and thumbs, all the while keeping your hands in the prayer position. your third with your eye with your thumbs, all the while keeping your hands in the prayer position.

• Allow your hands to continue upwards until they are above your crown with your elbows to the side.

• Continue until they're about 12 inches above your head.

• Release your arms and allow them to shape wings in the air as they come back down by your sides.

• Your ethereal wings a are now open! Be free!

I do this exercise often, and especially before I speak to audiences. I'm never surprised when people come up to me and say they can see energy swirling around me like a pair of wings. Try it - see how it improves your day!


Orion can help us with aligning our energy with the cosmos, connecting with universal and planetary information, aligning our purpose with love, accessing our stellar gateway chakra and opening our ethereal angel wings.


Here's a prayer to welcome Orion's energy into your life:

"Thank you, Archangel Orion, for inspiring me and filling my life with your starry energy.

I am open to receiving your guidance. Thank you for revealing to me what I need to know.

I align all my thoughts and actions with love, knowing that this is the real and infinite part of myself.

I am safe and well, knowing you are with me.

And so it is!"


• Orion and Ariel are wonderful together for manifesting abundance.

• Orion works with Metatron and Sandalphon to help us adapt to spiritual shifts.

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