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  • Writer's pictureSOUL Keeper

TEN WAYS TO GROUND YOURSELF (And why you need to)

Updated: Jun 23, 2020


1. WEAR THE COLOUR RED. - Examine your closet for a red shirt, dress or belt that you can sport when you feel ill at ease. If you don't have anything red, eating red foods like Beets or watermelon, or thinking about the colour red, also works. 2. EAT ROOT VEGETABLES - Foods that come from the ground provide your body with special nutrients and energy and are are a great way to ground yourself. 3. EAT PROTEIN - With it dense, tight structure, proteins are a fantastic way to add grounding energy to your body. Try healthy items like boneless skinless Chicken Breast, Chia seeds or Almonds. 4. DO A GROUNDING MEDITATION - Close your eyes and imagine roots coming out from your feet, going deep into the earth, touching her core, and then wrapping around the globe two or three times. Imagine letting go of anything that no longer serves you, and watch it go down all the way to the Earth's core, where it is transmuted by fire into new life force energy. Finally, imagine pulling up through the roots and into your body, centering, grounding and motivating you. 5. USE ESSENTIAL OILS - Woodsy scents like Cedarwood, Sandalwood, Cinnamon Bark, and Black Spruce are fantastic for bringing groundedness into your energy apply a drop or two to the inside of your wrist or Tailbone, or bring the bottle with you during the day and take a few deep breaths anytime you feel unstable. Frankincense, Myrrh, Ylang Ylang are also good for grounding and comfort during times of transition. 6. GATHER SOME GEMSTONES - Stones like Red Jasper, Bloodstone, Smokey Quartz, and Hematite are excellent aids in rooting one's energy. You can carry the stone in your purse or pocket, hold it while you meditate, or take a photo and use it as your screen saver or you can find images of the stones online and access the energy that way. 7. GO EARTHING - Western medicine is starting to wake up to the importance of the physical connection between human beings and the Earth - and for good reason: It's extremely beneficial for our health! Plus, its easy; Just kick off your shoes and socks and find some grass, soil, or sand to walk around on or in. Aim for a minimum of 10 minutes when you're tight on time, but 30 minutes a day several times a week will brighten your spirits quickly and easily! 8. DO SOME GARDENING - Similar to Earthing but with your hands, anytime you're working with the soil of Mother Earth, you bring healthy nutrients and Spirituality in to your body. Gardening can be extremely Spiritual practice and can even mirror things you are going through in your life, such as needing to weed and needing to release emotional stress, fears or uncertainty. Gardening also reflects vtge cycles of life and teaches us that plants, like humans, need certain things to survive and thrive. 9. DO SOMETHING YOU LOVE THAT ALSO FEELS GOOD - Whenever I feel off balance or overwhelmed, I turn to activities that are gentle, nurturing, and fulfilling. For me, that's writing, meditating, and getting out in nature. What brings you peace, joy and a feeling of comfort? Do you have any hobbies or activities where you seem to "lose track of time" because you enjoy them so much? Those are a great place to start. 10. EXERCISE - Nothing can bring you into your body and focused on the present moment faster than some good, old- fashioned walking, running, or biking, since those are two main goals of grounding. It's easy to see why exercise makes the list.

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